Ensuring proper planning before child birth

Hello everyone, welcome to my country where no rules and regulations works if the government don't take drastic measures to enforce it. Honestly speaking before most Nigerians would listen to you, it has to take God from heaven to come if not you will be wasting your precious time talking to rocks inform of human.


Here in Nigerian it is commonly said that children are investment to their parents so giving birth to as many as you they want is not their problem. Now this is how most families analyze their expectations from each of their kids, the first should be a doctor, the next one a nurse, lawyer, pilot, president and other juicy professions. 🤣 So with all this good opportunities the man and woman has analyzed, you expect them to give birth to just two or three kids so who will now become the first senator in the family? Infact when you tell a woman not to have so many kids she sees you as her enemy of progress and God bless your soul she needs more kids but was unable to conceive am sorry is just your name just know you are the latest winch in town.🤣 That's how funny most Nigerians are.

I think here in Nigeria, the government don't actually want to decide the number of kids per family but at the same she's making sure to create awareness on the importance of family planning that's why every pregnant woman that goes to the hospital for antenatal is always advice to go for a family planning after childbirth. At least by so doing, the government don't decide number of children one should have but it helps you give them a good spacing to nurture one before the arrival of the next child. But still at that a few women I know complain that family plan doesn't fit their system because they always have a terrible experience and I think their complain is quite acceptable. okay let me explain more I have a friend whose aunt is a professional nurse and after her first child she did the necessary test to know the right plan to go for, which off course she went for the suitable ones according to her system. but after that she bleeded for about a week coupled with fatigue and constant headache accompanied it as well she went through hell and came back and since after that she never went for a family plan rather she does the birth control naturally with her husband.

That's not the only case of family plan gone wrong currently a woman is going to prayer house because when she went to remove the needle they inserted on her arm the hospital can't find it meaning it's lost and without that stuff out it is impossible for her to conceive and the longer it stays in her the more problem she's probably to encounter in the future that's why 70% of women run from family plan.


Personaly I don't have a problem with giving birth to a desired number of children because I like it when kids flocks around the house I fact it makes everywhere lively. but what I won't do or advice anyone to embark on is to bring innocent kids to the world and no means of taking care of then I call that sheer wickedness honestly. Even the Bible says spare the rod and spoil the child. It's so hurting when a child tell his or her parents "why did you bring me to earth to suffer" so if nobody wants such statement, I'll advice a person do a rough estimate of his or her worth before start pumping children in that case you produce what you can fend for as simple as that.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents W115e1 how many kids. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️


I was reading on the internet that Nigeria is one of the country with high birth rate, which i think is the main reason for the inflation in your country. government is no able to provide for the people and due the high demand, there inflation has increased.


You are right, Nigeria is a populous country yet her citizens has refused to learn lessons we keep bringing children to the world.


Hello, I think it is very important for family planning. Although sometimes raising awareness is not enough.


Yeah family planning is actually the best in times of birth control.


Here in Nigerian it is commonly said that children are investment to their parents so giving birth to as many as you they want is not their problem

No child desveres to come into this life as an investment but as you rightly said this is the sad reality of most kids today. Hopefully parents get enlighten more that children needs more than they can give.


I hope so as well because the ignorance of some parents is something else.


good luk to u in ALL ur investments.. :P

i remember..

