A second chance for hope
Some few years back, I was opportuned to attend a seminar though I can't place my hand on the exact topic but I left that meeting with a particular word that still stick with me till date. the speaker said and I quote "a mistake ones made can be forgiven and considered un purpose, a second time mistake can still be considered but any mistake or crime committed for the third time is indeed a mistake".
This actually means first and second time offender each deserves a second chance because he or she might have forgotten the lesson taught by the first but when repeated for the third, such individual can't change no matter how hard he or she tries to be corrected. Though for sure change is the only constant thing in live.
Knowing about a thing definition helps tackles the issue from a right point of view and according to the Oxford dictionary, rehabilitation is the process of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after an imprisonment, addiction or illness. In addition it is the vindication of a person character and re-establishment of such individual reputation. this is because so many people after being sent to prison and back makes them feel less of themselves and even worthless. You know the stigma, the stain society holds against people that have gone to prison is just something else ! no matter how they try their best to live well they find it difficult to do so cause society finds faults in them so rehabilitation centers help prepares the affected victims before they are released to face the outside world.
But then can criminals be rehabilitated? In life everyone deserves an opportunity, a second chance to prove his or her selves Worthy of trust and the fact they broke a law doesn't mean they should not be given a chance. Not only can criminals be rehabilitated, even hardened criminals such as fraudsters and murderers can also learn from their mistakes if only they are willing too. Because one of the free gifts we have as humans is the power of choice meaning we decided what's we deem fit for ourselves. Their is a very popular TV show I normally watch back then know as turning point. It shows how criminals, hard time drug addicts/dealers and murderers met with God and became full time changed. Some of these people changed while still behind bars some in rehabilitation homes and on this I believe people can still learn from their mistakes once caught.
It would be a wrong thing to chase them away after serving a long time punishment so one of the best way to ensure they never return back to such crime again is to first show them all the love they need. Make them feel at home and look for a possible way to set them up in one trade or the other. But while doing so one need to be extremely careful because not everyone will change and that's the fact. Someone was saying before giving an ex convict a chance to your life, a close watch has to be taken on them for at least a year cause it would be difficult to hide in pretence for such a time. Everyone deserves to be loved everyone deserves a second chance. 💜
Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents W117e3 Do You Believe In Rehab?. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts.😍
Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️
I love how you emphasize that everyone deserves an opportunity to change and prove themselves worthy of trust, even if they have committed crimes. You perfectly discusses the definition of rehabilitation and the importance of restoring individuals to health and normal life after imprisonment, addiction, or illness. Well written.
Yeah I so much believe in the power of second chance that's why.
Thanks a lot for appreciating my little piece. 😊
Thanks a lot 😊