Intersted or just pishing?

Genesis fitted dress 122.png

I know it has been a while since I posted anything here but I am still alive and kicking. I am also still creating mesh clothing and other items in Second life. Mostly it's just my own personal passion but I recently have been contacted by various people about mentoring other creators, selling my art as NFT's and collaborating with other creators. I don't know about the rest of you but I get a little cautious when I'm approached out of the blue about people interested in my artwork or offering me some kind of benefit of some kind in relationship to my artwork or my video creations.

There are just so many scams out there these days that you can never be too careful. For example, I had been contacted by a company that sells high end microphones, or so they said. It turned out that they were tricking you into buying a high-end microphone and getting you to produce a video to support the product. But they were not offering a free microphone at all like they said they were. They were simply an individual/s tricking you into buying the microphone using their Affiliate link so they could get the commission.

The Image that I'm sharing with you today was created with Daz3d and while the character model is Genesis 2. one of the models from Daz Studio the dress is one of my own. This dress I named Orient Silk Dress and fitted it to various mesh bodies within second life. But today I decided that was wanted to see what the same dress would look like on a Daz model and That is how this picture came about. But I am not sure if the image is NFT material as someone messaged me soon after I posted it and asked about my artwork stating that they wanted to purchase some of my work as NFT's. I really found this hard to believe. Not that I don't do decent work. I know that I do but in case anyone hasn't noticed I'm kind of hiding in my own little corner where not too many people really notice me. So I was a little surprised to see someone asking about my artwork.

What makes me so cautious however is not just that they expressed interest in my work, but that they had to ask where my art station page was located. Since the image was linked from my art station page you would think this would be pretty easy to find. I know that there are some pretty dense people that make up this crazy world that we live in but I really am unsure how someone misses the fact that the page was literally linked that contained the rest of my art. It was as simple as looking at my profile.

I just don't know. Now I'm asking myself should I bother with learning to turn some of my work into NFT's? I've had friends who do them on a regular basis but I've never done any myself.

Has anyone ever heard of someone referring to themselves as a professional NFT collector? I'm really very curious now if it's a serious interest in buying my art or just another one of those scams or tricks waiting to take me for a ride on a roller coaster I didn't bargain for.

While I sit back and kind of see what this person has to say next I still very much enjoy making the things I make. What started out as a passion for painting and drawing has become a passion for 3D, digital and mesh. For once I have finally reached one of the goals I set out for myself. That was to be able to create my own digital art images without having to buy tons of mesh models and textures from others just to be able to do it. In it's own way that is rewarding for me. When I create it's like finding home. Art and creating has just always been a part of me and I think regardless of anyone who may or may not be trying to take advantage of me, it always will be.

Genesis fitted dress2.png
