The Morning Of Their Prime: A Relationship Red Flag
I see most men dating young girls at the peak or morning of their prime as men who are just wasting their time.
The truth of the matter is that most of these young women, in the morning of their prime, still want to satisfy their curiosity a lot; they want to explore out of their youthful exuberance.
As a man, you need to understand the H-0-E_PHASE EFFECT.
This is commonly found in most young women in the morning of their prime, it's that period when young women want to explore, test, and exercise their youthfulness doing the worst, it's innate in women only a few young women suppress this nature in them, only a few young women realize this early and cut their hoe phase short.
Now, as a man dating young women in the morning of their prime, you should be extremely careful because most of these young girls don't want to settle down yet. You might try to tame her and marry her, but in the long run, she will still leave your house to satisfy her curiosity.
Its true.
The wrongest relationship to enter is to be with a woman who is still lost in her house; you will waste your time, energy, and resources, and yet you will not achieve anything.
Dating a woman in her house is like signing yourself to be doomed; you can never be enough for her, and she will always leave you.
So the best you can do for yourself is to vet properly and know that your young woman is not giving in to her innate desire to express her hoe phase, watch her contentment level, how she responds to peer group pressure, and her materialistic thirst this is fundamentals that can help you decipher this effect, if her eyes are up and outside.
Just pipe and swipe.