Building public image and it's relevance to my existence.


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We humans live our entire lives trying to believe we care little about others opinions and perception of our actions but then all we do is directed towards shaping others opinion. Public image have different meanings for people, some consider it has a stepping stone of building a successful career while others might believe it to be just public identity. It simply means what others perceive you to be, your reputation, how people define your significance and existence.

It might not sound like much to a petty minded individual but for anyone who is interested in building a successful career in the society it is everything. In the world of politics, it is a tangible element. For someone with a good public image and reputation, it grants you the ability to evoke public support and for someone without it, it grants you the opposite. Knowing fully well the role public acknowledgement plays in finding our place in the society, the importance of building a good public image is tantamount to success.

For instance, when an individual joins hive blog, he/she publishes his/her introductory post which gives people the privilege of knowing few things about who they truly are, a first impression. As time goes on as they publish more content and engage with other other authors, if other prominent author like what you bring to the table, they might consider you for other prominent roles within a community which can only happen if you have manage to build a good public image that showcases as you as someone of value and integrity. It doesn't mean you are doing what you do to gain others acknowledgement, it just simply means for you to have a good network and communicate with people of value, having a good reputation is the ticket, I mean who would want to interact with someone who is perceived to be of dubious character.

As an individual, I have always identity myself as a deep thinker. Always second guessing my actions and choices, constantly comparing it with hundreds of variables knowing fully well that all actions begets consequences. You must wonder, why go through so much stress and struggle when you could just decide as you please afterall it is my life my rules? Truly it is but I'm under no illusion of the narrow minded perspective that says what other people think doesn't matter. I'm always cognisance of the fact that I'm being watched Someone somewhere is paying attention to my actions for whatever reasons that is best known to them.

That is why a lot of politicians always try so hard to hide their past, whereas they should have been building a good public image for themselves from scratch. You might not be aware of it right now but people are watching you, the moment you decide to aspire for a public office, your past is brought back to life like it happened yesterday and you might wonder why? The answer is simple, most common people that you might have trampled upon in the past still believe that only people of integrity and character should be eligible for some leadership role and bloggers will hover around your story like hawks, what better way is there to attract viewers/readers if not a scandal, this reminds you of lady whistledown in Bridgeton, doesn't it? A good character, discipline, honesty, integrity, successful are all components of a person with a good image.

What if an opportunity arises in the future, will my words be enough to prove my worth? What if I find myself in a situation and in need of proving my innocence, what will people say about me? A lot of people in our society today have been recommended for great promotions and roles not due to the connection they have but due to their good image in the society. They say actions speaks louder than words, truly it does. I mean what other way is there to easily define a person than is reputation in the society and if this is not a good enough reason to embark on building a good public image, I don't know what else is.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is a nice read.

They say actions speaks louder than words, truly it does.

Actions indeed speaks louder than words.
It's actually better to create a good public image from scratch to avoid unwanted attention from people when you've been elected for a post.

I really enjoyed reading this.. Nice one. Keep it up and keep having a great day.


Exactly, because by the time you get elected to public office it is already too late to correct errors of the past.

Thanks for stopping by πŸ€—


Exactly, if most people can reason like this, I believe our world will be much better


it is true that public image matters, but I will also like to look at it in the concept of the community you identify with. The thing is morals lately has become subjective and right or wrong skewed to personal standard.
So we try to be good to people in the best way ever still they look at you as the bad guy.
I am on the opinion that I don't care of public image or good name.
If you are from Nigeria, most good people are those that give you money,feed you or support you. But honestly are they truly good people?hmm


I've always told people, sometimes we act like we don't care what people think about us but deep down we do. Because the image people have about us might not hunt us now but tomorrow.
Like you said

What if I find myself in a situation and in need of proving my innocence, what will people say about me? A lot of people in our society today have been recommended for great promotions and roles not due to the connection they have but due to their good image in the society.

That explains it well.


Exactly, other people's opinion tends to define who we are no matter how much we don't care about it.

Thanks for stopping by πŸ€—
