The Light Of Understanding


The Light Of Understanding

Photo by Gustavo Fring

Manasseh and I have been good friends for a long, we knew each other right from high school and we have been supportive of each other in many ways.

These days, digital skills and crypto seem to be the way out for young people as the government is not ready to provide job opportunities.

Manasseh has introduced me to so many things online, even though I benefited nothing from most of them but I appreciate the fact that he wants to see me grow. The last project he introduced me to online crashed just after three days of introducing me to it.

He felt so bad about it but I saw it as nothing, moreover, nothing is assured in life. Unfortunately, that was one of his basic sources of income.

Life became so difficult for him coupled with the fact that he just got admission and had to resume school.

After some time, our communication was breached. One day, I was active on WhatsApp, replying to messages when his call popped up on my screen.

"Hello, good morning boss," he fondly greeted me.

"Morning sir," I replied in the same manner

"You are crazy Emreal, who is sir? How have you been?" He asked.

"You, of course, I chuckled, I have been good. Where have you been all this while?" I inquired.

"Well, I have been in school, I told you about my admission, right?" he responded.

"Yeah, you did. My problem with you is, if I don't call, you won't call. I wonder what kind of friendship this is. Anyways congratulations, greater heights," I expressed my feelings.

Hm, he sighed. "I am so sorry for not being a good friend, but thanks for your kind wishes," he replied.

"Look at who is forming repentance, anyways, your sins are forgiven," I responded.

We both laughed and just while I was about to hang up, he said, "Em, I saw your status on WhatsApp."

"What's that?" I asked, yawning as I stretched myself on the bed.

"The Identity Card something, do you really know how to generate and retrieve Plastic Identification cards?" He asked.

Hehehe, I laughed, "Do you have any deal for me?"

"Not really, just asking," he replied.

"Okay, Let's say yes," I replied.

"That means you are really making some money out of it, right?" He added.

"Man has to survive, you know, I get what's sustainable though," I replied.

Manasseh cleared his throat. The truth is, I have been following your status for some time now and didn't know how to tell you I wanted to learn too. I am so broke down here in school," he finally opened up.

Ah, ah, I exclaimed, "That shouldn't be a problem at all. I'll teach you when we see."

"Really," he asked.

"Yes bro, you can always count on me," I responded.

He thanked me and we talked for some time then ended the call.

That night I was so worried about his situation, I knew how his financial life was at home when we were getting in touch often. Life has not been easy for him. His dad has not been supportive and his mom is late.

I decided that I was going to teach him the work even though I was not so pleased to do so because I once introduced him to a blogging platform and he messed up. But what are friends for? I can do anything to ensure he is doing well, provided it won't land him or me into trouble.

A few weeks later, he chatted with me, "Bro I am in town. I came for the weekend. Can we see?

I checked my schedule and gave him a day but he didn't make it. Another day he still sent me a message asking when we could see, this time around I made him pick a convenient day for him.

But guess what? He still didn't show up and didn't care to let me know what happened. I have one principle, if it has to do with teaching someone a skill, I don't force it on them, I have been disappointed by many.

So I learned to allow passion to draw the people. If he or she is so interested, they will come by themselves. He kept postponing our meeting until I even forgot that I and he discussed something about teaching him how to generate plastic Identification cards.

One morning, while. I was so busy working inside our compound, then he just showed up.

Ah, ah, I exclaimed, "What a surprise visit," I raised my head and stopped picking the pebbles and dirt from the local rice I was trying to prepare for lunch on the tray.

"I know I took you unawares, my apologies" he replied.

"No, it's okay, have a seat," I replied, adjusting on the bench I sat on so he could sit.

"Thank you," he replied. He brought one topic, then another and we kept talking until I finished picking the pebbles from the rice.

Suddenly, Manasseh started talking about teaching him the work.

I told him, bro, "I am so tired right now and I have other things to do, please can we make it Sunday, so that I can have your time well?"

But he kept pressuring me until it set my teeth on the edge. "Please sir, I can't do anything today," I raised my voice as I spoke.

Obviously, he noticed my mood change from my voice and the frown on my face. "Sorry bro, I didn't mean to set your teeth on the edge," he replied.

When I looked at his face, I got overwhelmed by emotions, and I said calmly, "Sorry for speaking harshly. I have so much to do today, that was why I made time for us to see all those while but you never showed up nor told me anything."

Hmm, he sighed, "I was just occupied," he replied.

"Alright, here is what will happen, I'll send you the link later and then give you the explanation online. I know you will understand but in case you don't, I'll create time and come over to your place and show you how to go about it.

Today is so choked up for me, I have mom's clothes to wash, fetch water, and also a post to write on Hive," I explained

"That's very okay by me," he replied. After drawing conclusions, he left.

In the evening that day, I don't know what came over me but I said to myself, "Let me just try him and see if he is just after what he wanted to learn or if he really cared about me and our friendship."

I chatted with him and said, "It seems the site has an issue, I have been trying to log in but it isn't working, I don't know what's wrong but they should fix it soon."

He viewed my message and replied "Okay."

Then I added, "I promise, as soon as they fix it, I'll notify you."

He viewed it, you know WhatsApp and Facebook when someone viewed your message, it would tick blue. Right before my eyes, my message ticked blue but he didn't reply.

I waited for days, he was always online but stopped chatting with me. I even thought he went back to school and was occupied by lectures but I was surprised when I saw him on a bike in town one of those days.

It got me so worried, and angry, so I texted him, "Guy, things are not done this way, since I told you the site was faulty you just forgot me and didn't even reply to my message. Does it mean if there are no advantages attached we can't be friends again?"

After the message, I forwarded the site to him and explained how to go about the platform.

The message really pierced through him, not up to the space of five minutes. I got a message from him, he apologized for his action and pleaded to see me on Saturday, to which I consented.

When he came that Saturday, he apologized again, "I am sorry for setting your teeth on the edge," he pleaded.

"It's okay bro, I understand, maybe I set my teeth on the edge myself for taking it too personal, I am sorry too. We all make mistakes, it's life," I responded. After that, I explained the platform more to him and he was so happy.

Thanks For Reading


How to make money on digital platforms? That's perhaps everyone's question at the moment. hahaha. There is a saying here: "He who wants to kiss is the one who looks for the mouth". He interested was your friend, he should look for you and make time. Regards


Hehe, he wanted to a kiss but was reluctant on looking for the mouth, LoL. Some people are that way, they are not ready to stress themselves but the want results. Thanks for reading 🥰


Some people are like that. They are just not trying to reply messages.
My husband had a friend just like this one. He had promised heaven and earth but yet did not still come to see him to discussed things out.
One may get setback staying and believing in this kind of friends.


LoL, I don't know why some people are that way, well some times I think it best to just let them be, when they are ready they will definitely come


Promise and fail people are everywhere. Some of them are the very close people around us.
The current question people are asking is which online platform is paying? And of a truth, there a re many of them.


Hehe, money has gone back online, there are many platforms that pay but are they ready to pay the price to learn?


Your friend is not passionate about following up on things like you are and that was what caused the misunderstanding. It's good you spoke to him about the behavior and settled the matter.


Not telling him my mind would result to grudge, it's best I spill so that we can fight and settle once and for all


You showed compassion toward your friend despite his repeated poor behaviour. Your friend, however, does not appear to have learned any lessons from the experience, which is unfortunate. This is a nicely developed CNF with believable dialogue that sets the tone well.

Thank you for sharing a story from your life with The Ink Well.


Thank you so much, I am learning


You have a lot of patience and wisdom. Your friend was testing your boundaries, but you kept yourself open and receptive. This story is well told using very good fiction techniques like dialogue and the story arc that leads to a satisfying ending. Very well done!


Sometimes, one needs to posses all these inorder to live well with others, though I would say it's just a little measure of it that I have.

Thanks so much for reading
