The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Privatization On Roads And Water


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I know that the government has failed us many times, it has cheated us, it has enslaved us and taken our rights but we all ought to be grateful that we still have the government.

Each day we use the roads paying little charges to the union. Most times this case is for those who are into commercial driving but for private drivers, the road is free. We also get water to use at an affordable price, sometimes, it's even free if it is provided by the government.

There are other things we enjoy that are government owned and we don't spend much on them.

Most of us don't know how lucky we are to have that privilege. Even though some of those things are usually not taken care of properly. Suppose everything were to be privatized including water and the road. The poor man is finished.

Most private organizations are not out to provide a solution to society in order to promote humanity, their target is mostly about how much they will make from society.

They can go any length and provide the best services ever, they can hire highly qualified people to work for them but their hearts and eyes are always aiming at our pockets.

Truly if roads and water were owned by private organizations, I am sure we would have the best roads ever, our water would be well taken care of and fit for consumption, however, we will pay outrageous fees for those services.

Everyone that uses the road whether by foot or with machines would be charged. The task on the road would make a lot of people stop using their cars and motorcycles.

The cost of transportation and water would be unbearable. We all know that transportation has an influence on almost everything in our society, imagine the way inflation is going to be at its peak.

Life would end up becoming very miserable, and maybe in the end most people would be forced to go back to their villages and revive the old way of surviving by what nature gives and only go to places where their feet can carry them.

Photo by Travis Saylor

Recently, the roads in my place were fixed, and two toll gates were mounted at strategic areas. I heard from drivers who passed that way that every time they passed, they were charged one thousand five hundred naira for commercial drivers and one thousand for private drivers.

The drivers are already complaining about it because it's somehow high for them, I don't want to even believe that at every toll gate, they are charged that amount. If that's the case, what will they go back home with at the end of the day as commercial drivers? I am already seeing an increase in the cost of transportation soon.

Now this is the government and people are already complaining, imagine it was a private road, how much do you think they will charge?

If all the water sources we have are to be owned by private organizations without government supervision, most of us would have to go back to drinking water from the wells and streams.

Water would become like gold, and a sachet and bottled water would suddenly become a hot cake. Anyone you see carrying them is no doubt a big man or woman.

Well, thank God that we still have the government and the road can not become private, I don't even pray for that because it is going to ruin the lives of many people.

I know that if it happens, with time we will cope but before we get to that extent, we will lose so much.

Thanks For Reading


Yes it shouldn't be private as it's should be in government hand because poor people can't afford the budget


Yes, inorder for all to benefit, let government continue to be in control.

Thanks for stopping by


Cost will be the major problem of privatization


That's is right, I don't pray for privatization at all


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We would definitely have good roads and better means of transportation but the cost will be beyond what average people can afford.


Exactly, we will have the best of everything but the cost would be unbearable for poor.

Thanks for stopping by sir
