Relevance Of Good Upbringing


Relevance Of Good Upbringing

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Training a child is one of the most difficult tasks in life. It's like planting a seed in a garden and monitoring it until it grows into maturity and begins to bear Good fruit.

As individuals, we know how hard it is to groom ourselves to talk more of another person who has a different mindset and beliefs, though for children it's a bit easy because their minds are empty.

So, I commend the efforts of parents in training their children, it's not easy at all. No parent desires to see their child/children go wayward, even if they themselves are evil.

But you know, as humans even our best can never be good enough. No matter how a parent tries to bring up a child, creating balance on every side, there must surely be that aspect where the parents would be lacking. Sometimes it could even be in the process of trying to protect the child or providing for them.

One thing I will always be grateful to my parents for is teaching me to love my siblings while growing up. If you have read some of my posts before, you might have heard me say many times that I came from a polygamous family.

Those of you who came from polygamous families know the kind of drama that usually happens in such homes, most times there is always division in the family, either among the children or the parents but our home was not so.

My father taught us how to love each other right from when we were growing up. Our food was always joined together, whether you liked it or not you must eat with your siblings from the other mother.

Whatever we do my father ensured we did it together, so we grew up loving ourselves. I was so close to my half-siblings that I followed them to their mother's villages when they went on holiday.

I grew up loving people around me without showing any differences. We were many in the house but my Dad would always do everything for us equally. Whenever he gets anything for us, he divides it among us equally and we learn from there.

I also learned how to sacrifice, if you have ever eaten food with other kids and you were not the youngest, you would understand what I mean. Even when you don't want to stop eating, as soon as the food is remaining little, you have to get up and let the youngest person have it.

Photo by Emma Bauso

At first, I didn't know it was discipline until when I grew up and discovered that I don't struggle to step aside and let others benefit if whatever is been shared is not much. My personal interest is no longer primary. This has helped me so much in fighting greed in life and all the credit goes to my parents.

This kind of upbringing is what I would love to impact on my children, we live in a very wicked world, people only think of themselves and not about others, love is also dead in the hearts of many, not even towards outsiders, but within their homes. If my kids should be able to have this type of upbringing, I believe it will do them well.

The Other Side

While growing up, one thing I didn't get the opportunity to enjoy was my parent's attention. Both my mother and father were hustlers, none of them went to school as such they were just so focused on their businesses trying to bring food to the table

They were so busy that they didn't often spend quality time with us. That made me become a loner from my earlier teens. There were points I needed them to share certain things bothering me but they were not there.

I had to learn how to tackle my issues myself and trust me, I made a lot of mistakes in life as a result but we learn from our mistakes.

Truth is, I won't put the blame on my parents, they have tried, and they really did well in raising me. It was not their fault that they couldn't give me sufficient time. I mean anyone in the shoes would have done the same thing.

Nevertheless, this type of upbringing is what I don't pray to occur in my life when training my children. Apart from being a parent, your child also needs you as a friend.

Thanks For Reading

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Apart from being a parent your child also need you as a friend

The last line hits different you know
Have seen homes where parents don't spend time with their kids.

I can vividly remember someone came to my house and saw the way my dad interacts with my younger siblings (talk, play and laugh together to the extent they can use his phone for the whole day) what the man could tell my dad was interacting with kids this way can bring disrespect.

My dad didn't say a word to him all my Dad did was to cut off from the man.

If your children can't interact and play with you as their own friend then there's a big question mark.

Some of the people out there who are currently wondering about is because they lacked that parenting love from the start.

Interact with your kids as a friend and you will see the impact of it once they grow up.

I just hope someday our children will see us as their best friends.


Hehehe, many people have that mindset that interacting with children creates room for disrespect, it can be true in some cases, that's why there has to be limit and wisdom attached.

I know your dad not long ago but I can attest that he is the kind of father everyone should have. You are so lucky to him.

Amen to that prayer o.

Thanks for reading broh


Very informative essay mate. I had a much simpler childhood but some of lessons on sharing and sacrifice were the same. I guess most parents try to inculcate good habits as you highlighted. In my case though I chose to be a loner in teenage as I did not want to share anything with them, just out of teenage angst. Luckily I snapped out of rebel mode within a few years :D
Parenting is truly more an art than a skill :)

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Hehehe, being a loner is sweet but it sucks most at some point. I am so happy to have you around mate🥰


Training up a child till adolesence isn't a easy taks. Countless days of coreections and guidance.

There is this particular man who had two wives, I do not know how exactly he did it that they don't have quarrels like the usual polygamous family do. The children are not problems to the society and they live in harmony.

Even when you don't want to stop eating, as soon as the food is remaining little, you have to get up and let the youngest person have it.

You have to o, there is nothing you can do about it. Even the kids would be expecting you to leave the rest when the food is abkut to finish😂😂.

There are no perfect parents, they couldn't balance both and I think most parent would rather spend more time working so as to provide than to them, 'waste time' at home with the kids.


Respect those men that are able to make their polygamous home one. It's not easy.

My guy, if you don't stand up and leave the pikin fit cry o😂

There is also a place that will be leaking, it's life, most parents just do their best and leave the rest for God as it is fondly said


Bro, those men deserve national award, they can keep the whole country at peace.

Yeah, no parent can be perfect.


May God continue to keep them for us


It’s safe to safe that my patents constant scolding and flogging is gradually paying off, funny how I felt like an adopted child back then😂😂

Always a #dreemerforlife


During the process of the training, you will never see the value until all is said and done. Look at you now benefiting from the good upbringing


"Apart from being a parent, your child also needs you as a friend."

This part ended the beautiful write up in a nice way. Don't just be a parent, get to know your child like a friend does and the child will end up telling you almost everything that happens in his or her life. That way you don't get to miss a thing.


Exactly, children always need someone they trust to relate things with when they don't find anyone there for them it becomes an issue. Thanks for stopping by🥰


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The challenges of life, the difficulties in increasingly turbulent times... for as long as I can remember I have only seen economies get worse.
And there is the pressure that parents feel to provide, to ensure that their children have what they need. Then the time to share together is neglected... a lot of work, tiredness... in short, challenges that are and will be part of life. I hope you can manage to be present for your children in all aspects.



It condition that has made most parents neglect some of their obligations towards their children, the truth is no matter how we try, as we try to keep somethings inorder, other aspects will be lacking, I think that's why are humans


It is awesome that you experienced love right from your childhood. It won't be difficult for you to extend such love to outsiders. Many people that pose security threats ti society today didn't have a lovely childhood.


That's true sir, most people who are causing the society harm today lack love from home at one point or the other in their lives.


I applaud parents in polygamous homes who teach their kids the importance of loving one another without any form of bias.

Most polygamous homes that have issues is because they lack the spirit of love amongst them thereby resulting in unhealthy rivalry and unnecessary competition.


Love is always the issue, you know something that has to do with different mothers, it's not easy sha
