One Infrastructure My Community Needs
One Infrastructure My Community Needs
Recently I took a walk around my locality and I was troubled seeing a lot of great projects made by the government decaying. I wonder who to blame, the government or the people, probably both.
We all know how bad and corrupt some governments are, especially the one in my country but to be candid, the government is trying when it comes to infrastructure.
A few years ago, my state government took it upon herself to make tarred roads in some major communities that link to major roads, they also renovated government-owned schools, building amazing and comfortable classrooms but today most of those roads have gone bad, and the structures raised in schools have gone bad, in some places the chairs, doors, and windows were either stolen or vandalized.
We cry for change but we are the ones using our hands to restrict it from coming to pass. Our major problem is we rely so much on the government. We expect so much from them. We want them to feed, clothe, and carry us on their back. The truth is, the government can't do it all.
It's not all about getting the infrastructure, it's about maintenance, the citizens are too careless in handling infrastructure. We all know how difficult it is to get the government's attention to solve our problems, is it, not enough for us to handle them with care when we finally have them? Most of the infrastructures that we are craving for were once there, but our carelessness and poor maintenance spoiled them.
Well, that aside, one infrastructure my community lacks and needs the government's intervention is a standard hospital. Since I came to this place, I am forced to always go to the town whenever I or any member of my family falls sick.
Recently, my Mom came back from the shop and was shivering. Thank God it was not too late. I quickly persuaded her to change and we went to the clinic which is some kilometers away. To God's glory, she was attended to and she recovered.
But here's my concern, we spent more than we should, the hospital bill wasn't the problem, but the transport fare. Imagine we didn't have money to transport ourselves from our home to town, what would have happened?
What if it was an emergency, what would have happened? The community is a very big place, I expected that the government should do something about the hospital there. It's not as if there isn't a clinic, there is but it's not taken seriously. Anytime you go there, it's one complaint or the other about working apparatus. Let me not even talk about not having a doctor.
Last year, a man fell from a mango tree, he had an internal injury but no one knew, he was taken to the clinic and they gave him some pain relievers and discharged him. Unfortunately, The next day he died. I was bittered when I got the news. If it were a good hospital, they are supposed to scan him and check if there were internal issues or even refer him to a good place for scanning. But then, what can we say? It has happened.
For me, that clinic is no different from the local drug store in the community. Certain important things shouldn't be taken for granted and hospital is one of them.
It's my desire that one day, the government will finally come to our aid and upgrade that hospital. If not, we will have no option but to keep going to the town for treatment, only God knows how it will be if it is something that needs urgency.
My dearrrr.
This hospital necessity can not ever be overemphasized. There are barely hospitals in each locality, and when you manage to find one, they lack resources to cater to that problem,even the basic ones.
It is well. Government hospitals are no longer reliable. Sha, we will survive
You are right. Government can't do it all. However, spending money meant for developmental projects on oneself and family at the detriment of the larger population isn't better. The erstwhile Governor of Kogi State allegedly embezzled 80 billion naira. Should will blame the people calling for building of infrastructure or even getting fed with the money? The people deserve more because it's public money.
On the issue of maintenance culture, I totally agree with you. We can do better.
Hahaha, our leaders are funny. Imagine that level of greed, what will he do with that kind of money alone? There are many things that the money would have been channelled to which would have benefited the society but his selfishness won't let him see it. This is why I don't have hope in the government. The people there are too self Centered.
It is quite sad when you read the allocation for medical supplies in the national budget and yet it seems it been diverted to other things. The issue of lack of adequate hospitals is almost everywhere, these days general Hospitals are like dump sites, the condition of the building is not even Healthy for the sick.
Hmm, bro it's so pathetic. I wonder when these things will change
The government should try to do something about this clinics.
Cause I personally would even prefer to go to a pharmacy rather than to go to a clinic.
Cause I literally don't see the difference between both of them.
Somethings aren't meant to be taken for granted like you stated earlier.
Because if don't have a good clinic or hospital around, then there should be a cause for alarm.
I just hope the government do something soonest.
Hahaha, I used to think it's only in my locality. Well, it's well. We will keep hoping that things gets better
Yes o
We hope there's a great change soonest
Its so on call for that many projects are abandoned in our community.
It's only God that will help us all
Amen sir, it's one thing to get a project, it's another to keep it alive
Amen sir, it's one thing to get a project, it's another to keep it alive
Thank you
You are right, bro. It is not just about providing infrastructure, but more about maintenance of the ones provided. There is so much vandalisation of facilities in our communities and that is so sad. If only there was a way to keep that in check.
I was pained hearing about the death of the man you mentioned. There are several cases like that that could have been prevented if only adequate checks were carried out.
Seriously, maintenance is another thing we should consider.
I was also pained about the man's death. I hurts that things like this might take decades before they are being considered by the government, that's if they are being considered at all.
In all of these, both the citizens and the government have a time to play in ensuring that even when infrastructure is out in place, it is maintained otherwise we will still sing the same song
I hope the government do the needful in your locality
You got my point ma. I hope so too 🥺