Joy At Last

Photo by Min An

In the heart of everyone is a quiet desire for one thing or the other. Sometimes those desires come naturally, other times they are triggered by external forces.

When these desires seem not to come as soon as we expected, they gradually evolve from desires to pain but to whosoever tarry just a little longer, they will eventually come and the coming will be just what the doctor ordered.

It was our final year in college, and Cynthia was already twenty- seven (27) years old. Every weekend, anytime I ask to come over to see her, she declines due to one wedding program or the other she has to attend.

Her friends and loved ones were getting married, and some getting engaged but her fiance was not making any move.

Her parents suddenly started pressuring her to introduce her fiance to them. Sometimes they end up arguing over the matter and it was eating her up.

Cynthia came for lectures that Friday looking sad, her eyebrows lowered, her eyes reddened and swollen.

Her pace into the hall was slow and aimless, she looked confused on where to go to get a seat like it was her first time attending lectures.

I sat quietly, observing her demeanor. I doubt Cynthia heard anything from the lecture. One could tell from her behavior that it was just her body that was in the hall but her mind was somewhere else.

Immediately after the lectures, I walk up to her. "Hey, gorgeous," I said after touching her from behind.

She freaked, her body shook as she spun. Gosh, "Emreal, you terrified me," she responded, breathing heavily.

"Who gets terrified during the day amid many people?" I teased her with a grin.

She avoided my eyes, "how are you, my guy?" She replied, her voice sounding soft and barely audible.

"Who is ever fine when their friends are looking distressed? I have been observing you since you came in. This is unlike Cynthia, first, you came late, I didn't know you with late arrivals, and then you were dull and absent-minded. What's the matter Dear, do you care to share?"

"Monitoring spirit, my village people have sent you again, right?" She gave me a faint smile and adjusted on the wooden desk, "sit please," she added.

I exhaled heavily, releasing air from my nostrils as I sat and faced her. What's wrong dear? I asked again.

She was quiet for a while, "Emreal, I am tired, my parents and everything around me are pulling me down to the ground," she replied then went mute again.

Hmm, I sighed. "That was for adults, can you please come down to children's level, ma'am?" I teased her.

She smiled, wiped her eyes, and gave me a soft punch, "is anything ever serious to you?" She replied, chuckling.

I laughed along, "Sorry dear, I didn't mean to joke with that."

"Emreal, Micheal broke up with me last night. You remember I told you I am hoping to settle down with him, right?"

"Yes! I nodded. What happened?" I asked curiously.

"That guy is a cheat, that Cynthia I told you he said was his sister was his girlfriend. He engaged her yesterday, the video was viral on Facebook," she replied and began to sob.

"What?" I exclaimed standing up, "Why would Michael do such a thing to you? I wasn't expecting that from him, after all the promises?"

Cynthia and Michael dated for almost four years and their relationship was known by many. Everyone had already concluded they were going to get married.

"Emreal, the break up isn't the problem, ever since my cousin's sister got married last month, my parents became obsessed with this marriage thing and every day they are on my neck for me to get married. They won't let me have peace. Micheal was my only hope but now he is gone for another lady," she explained.

I held her hand firmly and looked her directly in the eyes. "I know that things might not be going the way you wanted right now but I believe that there is time for everything.

We don't need to rush the process, life is not a competition. Marriage is not something we should even rush or compete over. I know how you desire to settle before hitting thirty. You talk about it every day, you are twenty-seven no doubt but anything can happen anytime, don't lose hope."

"Emreal, I don't like motivation, but honestly you gave me a little relief. Thanks, man," she smiled.

"Don't worry about your parents, give them a deaf ear, and give anyone who tries to pressure you a deaf ear as well. Soon it will be your turn. All I want from you now is for you to just keep building yourself in preparation for your turn," I added.

She laughed aloud, "Okay, my boss, I heard you."

"That's my girl. So, have you eaten?" I asked.

"No," she replied,

"Please, let me treat you right," I replied.

I took her to the cafeteria and we ate. After that day, Cynthia's mentality changed. Her parents never stopped bothering her about bringing a man but she never took it personally. She focused on her education and her clothing business.

Two months later, I and Cynthia were taking a walk down to one of the closet halls to relax as we often do whenever we are having a break, and a tall, young, dark handsome man dressed in a button-down white shirt properly tucked in a black trouser approached us.

"Good afternoon," he greeted us warmly, smiling uncontrollably.

"Afternoon sir," I replied.

"Please can I talk to you?" he spoke directly to Cynthia.

She turned and looked at me, I nodded and walked some distance. His eyes were so fixed on Cynthia. With my arms folded, I monitored him closely.

"Thank you," he appreciated, waving at me as he walked away.

"What did he tell you?" I winked, sticking my tongue out.

"Come on, put that tongue back inside, you look like our puppy. Well, nothing much. He said he has been seeing me around and would like us to be friends, so I gave him my phone number."

Wow! "he seems calm and he is handsome," I replied

"Please spare me that, let go," she replied, taking the lead.

A month later, Cynthia began to post the young man's pictures on her Facebook story. The first time I saw it, I didn't ask but when it happened two more times, I summoned the courage to ask. She said they are close friends but he is asking for something more but she wasn't interested.

Within me, I knew that was the right guy. "Peter was a lecturer, he is God-fearing and humble. It's only a matter of time and it will happen," I told myself.

I waited for the good news every month but nothing came till we graduated.

That same year we graduated, I traveled out in search of greener pastures.

One fateful day, I was working on my laptop, when her call came in, I quickly picked it up, her soft voice sounded with so much excitement, "Emreal, guess what?" She asked.

"What is it, Cynthia? You know I am bad at guessing," I replied.

"Come online, I have a surprise for you," she replied then dropped the call.

Curiosity got the best part of me. I closed my laptop and logged in immediately. Behold a video of her engagement was already in my direct message, Peter proposed marriage.

I called her instantly and congratulated her. I was full of joy. Indeed when we don't give up our time will come.

They got married the following year around January. I was privileged to be in attendance, it was one of a kind.

Photo by Emma Bauso

Thanks For Reading


You said you knew he was the right guy
“Oshey” prophet😅😅😅😅
Nice story!


Hahaha.. there's a way a person will Present himself that you can detect whether he is the one or not😂

Thanks for reading 🥰


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I love beautiful love stories like this. Nice one.


Thanks for reading 😍🫂🥰


Sometimes he pressure to get married is there, especially for ladies. Thank God she had you.


Omo, ladies are going through a lot. I don't know why most parents pressure their daughter concerning that thing a lot
