Thoroughly Embarrassed. Again!
Assemble o ye story lovers for I am on the verge of bringing unto thee tales from beyond! Brace thyself, make thy heart merry and take ease, a voyage of a tale unsung and untold is about to commence!
Laughs wickedly in Shakespeare
So based on popular demand by my ever loyal fans, I have decided to share a little bit of my embarrassing moments in highschool. They've been dying for me to tell the story.
Adjusts eyeglasses in nonsense imagination
Story time!!!
During my first year in senior high school, I had this teacher, Miss Jennifer, who used to teach us Igbo Language which happens to be my local dialect. She's a very intelligent woman,always punctual, we all knew she doesn't take any nonsense from no one so we avoid ever getting into her bad books. She can be mean when she wants to be especially when she's having a bad day, when that happens she doesn't fail to unleash the power of her smart mouth on the victim.
One of the things about Miss Jennifer is her unbelievable fashion sense. She always take the phrase "dress to kill" personal. I'm talking about the mismatched colours, uneven makeup tones, excess jewelries, dramatic eyeshadows and a very daring and bold lipstick colour. A mere sight of her and you can't even hold your laughter in. It's a very tricky because it makes it harder for all of us in the classroom to concentrate each time she's teaching. There's always whispers and muffled giggles going on especially from the back. Pray grace she doesn't catch you doing any of those, it'll be over for you.
Every monday, she's usually the first teacher we have according to the schedule. As usual she's all dressed up in her style and starts scribbling on the board. Each time she has her back at us, the class take to the chance to let out quiet laughs. No matter how much effort she puts into her dressing it always end up looking bad.
I was trying so hard not to draw her attention with my giggles but it gets harder when she turns and starts explaining what she wrote on the board. I'm having a hard time concentrating on what she's saying with all that makeup. Just when I thought everything was okay, one of my friends passed me a note that says " have you tried looking at the shoes?"
That was it. I couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed out loud, before I couldn't cover my mouth, it was too late. She saw me and asked me to stand up. Everyone, including myself knew that I was in big trouble. She asked me the last thing she said and I couldn't even remember the topic she was handling in the first place. Since I couldn't say anything, she called me out in front of the class and said I should continue with the lecture. By this time the entire class is already roaring with laughter. I just stood in front of the class fiddling with my fingers and suddenly wishing I could disappear.
"Oh you can't talk now? Aren't you the one who got an F in the last tests?"
She knows how to really make matters worse in a bid to thoroughly embarrass someone. She wanted to give me some strokes for distracting her and wasting her time but she had a better idea.
"Since you find my class so entertaining, why don't we all have get a little bit of entertainment"
She asked the boys to play drums on their desks while I dance to the tunes they played. It's either that or I turn myself over to the principal. That is the worst thing I could ever go through. If it was just my classmates, I wouldn't have felt the embarrassment so much. First off I hate dancing in public especially when I'm going to be the center of attention, and secondly the sound of the drums and the cheerings attracted our juniors from the next class. So, I was literally in front of all those people shaking my body like a malfunctioning robot that is about to be discarded.
Of course, she was amused by the whole clown play that was going on but it wasn't funny one bit to me. The class ended there and I just sat down expecting the worst yet, because I knew my classmates will take on from the where the teacher stopped. They kept talking about it and the teasings continued, before the end of the day my name have already reached everyone's ears. I was oddly popular. Thank goodness phones weren't allowed in my school, some wicked souls would've made videos out of my cringe moments.
I know you're probably thinking I got what I deserved, in that case you're right. Even if I think you're wrong, you're still right. You think I became best friends with my teacher after that? Jokes. She always has her eyes on me each time she comes to the class after that incident but never again will I ever fall a victim the second time. I still find her dressing funny but I laugh in Chinese. She doesn't understand the language.
Cover Image is mine
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Oh oh oh! This read sounds embarrassing.So sorry about that. It’s even funny how the person who made you laugh out wasn’t even caught. Anyway it’s good you began laughing in Chinese, haha.
I couldn't even call her out throughout the whole drama.
Yeah, Chinese all the way😄
Thanks for stopping by🤝
Oh myyy this felt like a movie
It happened to someone in my class too
She would laugh at everyone’s shoe until she was caught oneday
Nbs punishment
Justice for us!
Why would they dress dramatically funny and expect us to keep a straight face?😄
This is actually a good memory to keep,but your teacher..... 😄😄. The fact that teachers will ask u to continue from where they stop and then u continue well till the end,you are in big trouble is what cracks me up.
Yeah, facts!😂
If you continue,problem.
If you don't continue,bigger problem.