Gun Control And Its Essence

With the increasing rise in global insecurity and instability, the argument regarding the public use of firearms and gun control has proven to be a never-ending exercise. The discourse creates a tension between the advocates who claims gun control is the way forward in promoting individual safety, and the opponents who are more concerned with the collective well-being of the society. The decision surrounding whether or not the use of firearms should be allowed by the public is one to be taken through critical thinking and evaluation of it imperative aftermath. While the debate goes on, it is of essence to analyse the importance of having a much implemented gun control policy in a state.

**Promoting Acquisition of firearms By Responsible Individuals**

Gun control policies are to ensure that firearms are not just sold to anybody who wanted them. These policies are put in place to ensure that every acquisition and ownership of gun are done through proper checks. This is to guarantee that only responsible individuals who are capable of safely handling these firearms are in charge of them. This fosters a healthy environment and prevents the occurrence of potential fire accidents.

Preventing Devastating Losses From Gun Violence

The implementation of gun control is a way to curb the increasing rise in gun violence in states where the use of guns is legalised. There have been alarming reports each year about the careless mass shootings, homicides and other gun related crimes in countries with significant weak gun control implementation, resulting in unnecessary loss of precious lives which leaves affected individuals devastated.

The enforcement of stricter gun control policies can help to regulate the availability, sale, use and possession of firearms by individuals who may potentially pose a threat to the safety of others around them, thus preventing needless tragedies and upholding the sanctity of life. Gun control measures also serves as a means to protect susceptible members of the society against becoming victims of gun violence or other gun-related threats.

Fostering Public Security

Individuals who live in states where the use of firearms by the public have been legalised struggle with constant fear of their lives. This is because, criminals in their maliciousness can obtain these firearms and use them to commit heinous crimes and cause harm to the other members of the society.

Strict enforcement of gun control policies however, relieves individual the feeling of having to live in constant fear of their lives. These policies includes background checks of people seeking to obtain firearms, waiting periods to prevent impulsive acts of violence and restrictions regarding the type of firearm to be owned. These strategies puts the minds of individuals at ease, and also discourages criminals from seeking the possession of guns as they have to follow all the necessary due process before obtaining a gun.

**Relieving The Heavy Burden On The Health Care System**


With the constant rise in gun violence, health care systems are tasked with the heavy burden of providing the much needed adequate care to the victims. This includes providing more sophisticated treatments and emergency services, long-term rehabilitation and the provisions of mental health services to the survivors of gun violence who may struggle with several mental health issues.

Gun control policies help to alleviate these health burdens on the health care system and also on individual who may need to spend outrageous sums to be able to afford these services from the health care system.

More Help To The Vulnerable Population

Many groups of individuals fall into the category of the 'vulnerable population'. Children find themselves in these groups. The presence of unsecured guns in the home can lead to fire accidents such as careless shooting by children who come in contact with these firearms, resulting in devastating consequences.

Victims of domestic violence are also at risk to gun violence. There is increased chance of the occurrence of homicides in a home where guns are owned.

Mentally unstable individuals are at the risk of self harm and potential suicide
when gun are available around their environment. Gun control policies and it's unwavering enforcement can help to safeguard the lives of the vulnerable population, thereby fostering a more safer environment for all members of the society.

Conclusively, gun control is not just about making laws that controls the use and acquisition of guns, it requires strict implementation of these laws to foster a healthy and secure environment for all, and at the same time keeping the balance of individual's liberty to possess these firearms.

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This is in response to the monthly prompt initiative by Inleo
Click Here to read about the March Initiative

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