Passing up Perfect
Getting It right? It seems some of us actively seek to get it wrong. When people get romance wrong there are always side talks about how the 'signs were there'. In some cases that might be true, but consider a relationship that degenerates over the course of time and it makes me wonder if this narrative is a one fits all.
Relationships of course aren't what they used to be, at least not in the way I saw my parents do it. For better or worse, those vows are nothing but mere poem recitations in today's reality. Yet call me a dreamer, but I've always believed in the concept of forever. I've always carried the mindset of 'forever or nothing' which is probably why the forever continues to pend.
More recently though, I've also been introduced to the reality of what forever means. I've had a good relationship that has lasted a little over a year and while I've experienced more better days than anything else, there has also been days where the challenges of 'forever' does come up. Will it make me soften my stance on what I want out of a long term relationship? Probably not. But, as with everything in my adult years am learning that everything must be worked for.
Nothing that seems perfect ever really is. I've stopped aiming for perfect, but really really good. Having something good and lasting is still very much within the realms of possibilities.
This makes me always think that in any situation where it involves another party, one can only control oneself and not the other.
Things change and we just have to be ready still while hoping and working for the best.