

Sometimes I reflect on my time on the cryptoverse, and now's one of those times. The story is neither inspiring nor great, but one constant factor throughout the course of my crypto journey has been Hive. The platform as well as the token have been my primary lure and draw to crypto, and the journey will look very different it they wasn't there. Yet what I am particularly impressed with Hive is the resiliency shown through the years.

For anyone who made their crypto journey through Hive, especially the platform, it almost represents guaranteed success. I mean, if we're to think about it, few people that invest in Hive through the years probably regret it. This is through regardless of how one invests, but especially true when we go through the Hive platform. The community has provided both an avenue and the tools to almost guarantee success with consistency and the passage of time.

I keep highlighting the term Guaranteed because few things in this life really are, especially when it comes to crypto currency. If you don't agree with my perspective, then you can see Hive as a relatively low risk environment. While the numbers are not great right now , there's always this feeling that the community is ever present to rally round this platform and prevent it from ever truly failing. Not many crypto projects can boast of that, so it is a big confidence boost for the Hive platform.

I can easily imagine the Hive platform being here for another 5 years and remaining of value. What I sadly cannot predict unfortunately is when we'll eventually get the kind of growth and recognition we see and deserve. Hive is still very much for the taking, and I i mean that quite literally.
