Drink Water


One part of working long hours at the office is that there is the tendency to neglect our physical health. Some of my colleagues have complained about things like Back Ache, Neck pain and Ulcer that I probably would link directly to the job. I have always stayed on the path of caution and tried to prioritise my health; That is until I joined my current organisation.

There are three things that have taken a beating since I joined this organisation. The first is my physical fitness. At a point in my life I used to run everyday. For sometime it reduced to multiple times in a week. Last year though, I was barely able to perform any workouts at all. I had to deal with adapting to a new work culture as well as a change of my immediate environment. The stress level I felt at that time completely prevented me from taking care of myself.

Secondly my mental health was tested for the very first time. Don't get me wrong, I still consider myself a very happy person, and continually see life as a blessing. But having to deal with long periods of frustration due to culture shock, learning new processeses, the work environment itself as well as challenges to my personal life certainly took its toll. At a point I was thinking of resigning and throwing caution to the wind, luckily that didn't happen. I am in a much better place now, but I certainly developed a new found appreciation for the mental struggles of others.

Finally, I've not been drinking enough water or even eating properly anymore. I can get so caught up that I place all other things as secondary while focusing on the immediate task at hand. Of course the consequences of neglect are known to me, which makes it even trickier. The way am handling it these days is by asking myself:

'what will happen to the company if something happens to me?'

Obviously they'd move on. This means that at all times I have to be the priority in my decision making, regardless of circumstances.
