WHO ARE THE HEALERS IN HOLOZING GAME? : unraveling the true Essence of the healers guild.
Hello everyone, I'm always glad at the growth level of the #holozing community with amazing input from creative persona from all over the globe, for a fact that this is one of a kind-all inclusive projects set it apart from every other, first of all currently the Holozing community is the most active community on hive with hundreds of visitors everyday and for a fact also #fanArt was created an an eye catchy feels for visitors to see the creativness of some of the cool art works in the Holozing project spear headed by @craizuss, and to @acidyo the brainBox behind the #Holozingproject on #hive
Which is one of the reason why I wish to enlighten some of the new community members and visitors for the first time about all the cool art works they see and what they actually meant, it's not just some endless drawings but actually it is an open floor to anyone with that creative side to contribute in his or her quota in aiding the Holozing project team to create awesome healers for the game, so now one will want to know for certainty amd Clarity what's these healers about?....
I'll try to simpify this as possible so every one can grasp the concept, who is a healer, from the literal sense is one who heals meaning the healers are the ones that will take your creatures, healing them after battles and equipping them with all necessary powers, energies, moves, abilities, tactics for winning battles they are the personal trainers of the different creatures and their types
Healers will be quite cosmetic-focused in our game, this means that they won't differ from each other in terms of stats aside from classes being different from other classes. The things that will set them apart will be items they will be able to equip, salvage, and trade which can alter their stats. Compared to creatures, healers will also gain XP slower, this is on purpose as we want players to level up many creatures alongside their healer when going for max level..sourced
While there won't be any randomness in the healers base stats, there will however be a lot of randomness in their cosmetics. Something known in the crypto space as "Generative Profile Pic collection" but in our case the healers will have a use case as soon as they are minted. You will be able to use them in the game when open alpha is released to test them out! With randomness comes also rarities, there will be certain accessories and assets to the healers that will be rarer than others. Things like haircolor, hairstyle, skintone, facial expressions, eye lense scanners, jewerly, glasses, headwear, clothing and even different backgrounds for the profile. All these different accessories will come with rarities and restrictions, for instance a certain hat can only exist on the Forest healer and not the Ocean one, while another hat can exist on both or all three.sourced
With all that has been said let's delve down to these healers and their actual role playing with the creatures
These are the original concept art designs of the male and female forest healers, they will be able to synergize with the grass and bugs creatures their healing powers and buffs will be extra effective with creatures of these type and creatures with moves types, note they will be most effective within their jurisdiction.
These are the original concept art designs of the male and female Ocean healers they will synergize with creatures of water and ice type, their healing powers and buffs will be more effective with creatures of the said types and moves, again they will be more effective within their jurisdiction.
These are the original concept art designs of the male and female light healers their healing powers and buffs will be more effective with creatures of these type and creatures with moves types
These are the set healers for the three basic elements or class of creatures now until other ones will be revealed subsequently by the #holozingteam,
So far I hope I have been able to unravel some mist about the healers and what they actually meant for as we long and anticipate the launching of the game, I thought it wise to let you be equip with some basic info about them.