In the book of mathew 6:9-13, there was a clear directives from our lord jesus christ of how we ought to pray, from verse 9-13 is a step by step pray modules for us all, but here that doesn't mean that you should always repeat after jesus in self same word, but in what ever you are praying let it follow this pattern, what Jesus did there was give us a template, a prayer formula that wr ought to follow anything outside this, is not a prayer...

What Then is Prayer...

According to Bro Eli in his teachings he said prayer actually means making our request known unto God, asking God things that is beyond our human comprehension things that we can't do, beyond our control, so we pray, thats why in the book of phillipians 4:6 it says be Anxious for NOTHING but everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your REGUEST be made known unto God

Thats why in verse 27-34 the bible says asked a question....

HOW many of you by worrying can add a cubit height to his stature?......

So? Theres no point being anxious, worrying for things you have no control about is anxiety and changes absolutely nothing neither add. Nor subtract, its just there, that is tge reason why the scriptures says in making that request go along with thanks giving of what God has done then tell him your request, ....

Most times as believers we worry alot over every little thing there is, mean while the word of God alreasy gave us an assurance of these things coming through if we have faith...

Talking about faith Brother Eli really dwelt much on this, one time Jesus was with the disciple and he saw a tree expecting to get fruit from it but foumd non out lf disappointment Jesus cursed the tree, the disciples didnt pay much attentiom to it, rather it was the next day they saw the tree dried up thats when they marveled at Jesus, jesus told them if you have faith as small as a mustered seed you can say to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and so shall it be, faith is the most powerful weapon that is in the arsenal of the believer, thats why the bible says


So if we are praying and we just dont add faith its nothing because God is not pleased with that prayer, there won't be an answer, cause your request is not mixed with faith to make it happen, faith is all we need to ascend the throne room of God and tender our request unto God.

Finally in james 1:6, the scripture laid out unto us terms and condition to holding faith that you doubt not for God is able to do more than we ask or imagine
