Most of us for every beginning of the year, month or weeks, we have in our minds things that ought to be done and should be done, we esteem and priorities them in our hearts make every plans to see it come alive, but then there is something we often left out.... understanding the times and seasons
Personally I have made huge plans for this year and last year about going fully digital, I have imaginalized this concept in my mind, spending most of my time on hive, especially on the aspect of onboarding programs, to nurture groom and mentor newbies till they are rooted in the system
On other platform like Amazon Kindle publishing, Afilliate marketing, YouTube content creation, @3speaktv and many others too, so it's going to be a full-time digital life for me, working online from the comfort of my home
I've been on this since last year, but I haven't gotten a perfect fit for it, there's still so much on the table to clear, I see a lot of opportunities coming my way, but all I kept saying to my self is, I'm Not ready, which got me thinking how some persons have locked themselves stagnant in certain situations and circumstances that they shouldn't be in right now, deep down they know they should be somewhere else and better, but then due to lack of discernment of the times and seasons that is due for a particular thing they fall off track, this means understanding what should be done as at when due, how and where, having this three questioners right is applying wisdom to life, not just jumping to things out of compulsion, distress or acting under duress
Keeping Emotions off when making decisions
I got my inspiration from the children of Issachar in the Bible one of the tribe of Isreal, they were described as Having absolute Understanding of the times and seasons, so they were the once instructing Isreal on what to do per time.
I thought about this for a second and it all boils down to discernment
What is discernment?*
The ability to PERCIEVE, UNDERSTAND and JUDGE things clearly especially those that are not obvious or straightforward
take note of those three Bold words, in another definition it's the ability to differentiate RIGHT from ALMOST RIGHT
I define wisdom to mean Doing the right thing at the right time and place, anything outside this is foolishness, and true to words last year I did a whole lot of foolish things, making wrongs decisions based on emotions and feelings at the time, more reason why I'm very kin about my actions this year as God will help me not to repeat past mistakes...
How do you discern the times, how do you percieve or sense things in your mind before taking appropriate actions, not just getting up to do things at heart beat, but taking a step back to examine thoroughly and to catch a glimpse of the actions and their resultant effects on you now or later..
The plans are good, the ambition is fantastic, your visions are awesome, but then you have to grasp this understanding of how things work so you don't end up. Doing the very right thing at a very awkward time and season, you see like the eagles soar, he takes advantage of the wind and just float on it, not necessarily beating his feathers to fly that high, observing this things makes you stay alert to opportunities and because you're strategically positioned, it's more easier for you to take advantage of them, and succeed in life without stress....
Thanks a lot
It is very true that the children of Issachar, they really understand times and seasons and one of the things we need to learn also is understand seasons. And that is where the wisdom you talked about comes into the picture. Helping us to know what to do and how to actually do them