In shading more light to the topic of discuss, Bro Eli A highly learned servant of God, has done a vast explanation as to dissecting every bit of it to the very understanding of a layman...
One time i was having this discussion with a follow colleague of mine at the office, then i told him the bible is a mystery, cause you can't get enough of it, over millions of years and decades, this same book has been read over and over again, and each time you open the bible to read you get a fresh, different and a new insight that makes you want go deeper,
Thats exactly the way i feel about Understanding the personalities of the father, son and the holyspirit...even to the extend paul after everything would say that i may know him and the power of his resurrection, this is indeed a mystery.
God-the father, God-the son and God-the holyspirit are one and the same person called the trinity, however these three operate in different dimension and capacity, God first is also called The God head, he is God the Almighty, over all and everything, he holds the supremacy over everything, God-The Son, which Gods Word operates in another dimension as God'sword activating all that the father spoke, while the HolySpirit, is Gods own spirit.
To me i feel what transpired at the river jordan based on Johns account and peter's account is a proof that the trinity can operates at the same time but in different forms and capacity, in my first review i said God had to create a body that would fulfill his promise to mankind to redeem man back to himself, so while jesus his word was on earth in a body like every human was at that point separated from the three fold, thats why he had to pray to the father, thats why he cried and would wish that the cup be passed away if it was possible, at that point he was a man no more a spirit being.
I definitely agree with Bro Eli's teaching, its just the perspective from which i am coming from
You see thats why When Jesus was about to ascend back to his rightful throne as the word, he also made a promise that he would send another comforter back to earth, thats the Gods spirit that would now come to dwell in man or to bear witness with our own spirit that we are now the sons of God, having accept all that Gods word(Jesus) did fulfilling Gods redemption plan towards mankind.
Also to finalise my point i did say in the first review that the way we have our body, spirit amd soul.is how God is we are created in his very image and likeness, then again our body has the ulrimate control over our soul and spirit, reason being that what ever you do with your body feeds the spirit and soul that is why some can tune their body to all kinds of divination and it works either towards God or the devil, we can say The body is like The God head now we also have our spirit and our soul living in us, our body can be in a place and our spirit like our imagination can be in multiple places also.
All three dwell in us but with different functions and abilities, so is the trinity God-The Father, God-The Son & God-The Holyspirit.