
i recall the first time i got born again in junior high, we had this fellowship in school called scripture union and one of the days during break time a guy came into our class and started preaching, i got caught in it and i gave my life to christ, i don't know how it all started or how deep i was into God, but i recall one of the days it was a break time and i feel i should do what that other guy did, by going to another class to preach to them, as if i was coarsed, i got up walked outside reluctantly went into this class almost filled, most of them had not gone out for break, i didn't know what to do, or what to start, so i just stood there, walked to the front greeted everyone one and as the other guy did, just started preaching to them....

fast-forward to my university days, in one of the night classes, by break of dawn early in the morning around five A.M a guy walked in and after leading us to pray he preached for a while and made some declarations and left, he kept coming again and again till i caught it too, soon after i began going to other lecture halls too to pray, preach and made declarations just as these other guy did....here's a thing......

In each of these secenerio i always feel compelled to reciprocate, i feel a strong conviction on my inside that lots of other people too need to hear these, i feel they don't know much about God apart from going to church, like they need to have that personal experience too, i feel Gods way is the best way to live a fulfilled, purpose-driven, destined life on earth...

I was un-Ashamed of God, i felt proud of him like if i'm born again, then everyone should know it, with my life style, my relationships, Character and my behaviours should reflect christ, i could not just keep short about it, that changed alot about me, cause i believe as a born again christian my lifestyle plays 80% of convincing and converting others to christ even without holding a big bible walking on the streets on evangelism outreach....

Romans 1:15-17 talks about been unashamed of the Gospel of christ, if as a believer you have not spoken to a soul about your conviction, going out, reaching out to souls talking to them about Jesus Christ and his divine love for mankind then i would say you have not started on these journey called salvation which is a personal thing....


Reconciling with Christ is the best decision anyone can ever make. Nice post.

Please sir how can I join the zoom class


thankyou very much dear, for the positive feedback....

sorry dear i'm not holding any zoom classes or which are you referring to ?


I mean the MCGI zoom meetings


Alright reply to mcgi comment on your post wishing to be added to the mcgi whatsap group ...


Recognising God, and accepting to follow him is the best thing so far.
That's the best decision you made.
