As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially those of the household of faith

We are all his workmanship crafted unto Good works, which God had before ordained that we should walk in them Eph 2:10.

Recall that in the part one of these teachings Bro Eli vividly point out in his opening nuggets that we do not exist cause of our own purpose, but the purpose of the supreme being Who created us, now Eph 2:10 just confirms that statement, "..of which God had before ordain that we walk in them, God had a purpose, a predestined plan on ground for us all, he expects us to walk in them, exhibit his good works in us to fulfilled that which he has created us for.

We ought to do good unto all men, as much as we have the opportunity and ability to especially to those of the household of faith, this is how the early church started doing good will, sharing in the very little of what they had, this is love, showing kindness to one another, reaching out to many out there who do not have the resources to cater for themselves especially in hard and trying times.

I see #mcgi members involved in many outreaches to the poor and vulnerable, food, water, gifts, medical supplies to hospitals, visiting and caring for the elderly, these acts are so heart warming and i earnestly wish such practices are really held at high esteem but no!...the opposite is the case.

I feel most times thess are all what the church need to do, when we are able to reach out to others no matter how small sharing love and a token of kindness can turn even the hardest heart into a very mild and humble person, because of love.

As God had said love is the greatest commandment loving your neighbor as yourself, and we ought to do this irrespective of whoever is involve, love is the greatest and stands above all...

FInally 1john 4:19 says we love cause he first loved us, so we follow after his example to reiprocate what he had done for us , even unto death to prove it, so lets love one another, cause these is all God requires from us as he said in Ecli. 12:13, Now all has been said here is the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keel his commandment for this is the duty of all mankind.
