PARABLE OF THE TALENTS : explained in Modern-Day Glimpse Of Light
Right so In mathew 25:14-30:, Jesus while teaching the people usually uses parables, a kind of tale that the people could understand better and easily relate with, he does this so that at the end the people will grasp the core message he preaches, so I thought about this in our current dispensation, how I can translate this to fit the new age.
From childhood I've always heard preachers try to explain this parable just the way Jesus did back then, of course, it's self explanatory cause Jesus made it clear, the essence points at the kingdom of God and his righteousness, how we can pattern our lives to suits it's purpose of making it to God's Kingdom
Here a master about leaving his estate calls his servant to hand over to them responsibilities (Talents) He gives to them all according to their abilities To do, the Bible quantify this in numbers from 5 to 1, after his return, he found out that some handled his business so well that they made profits, while one was ashamed of been given just one so he didn't show up to work and let his Master's business suffer loss because of this the master was so furious and cast him out of his estate with severe punishment.
The Essence of this parable is to draw our attention to the fact that God has given everyone of us a Gift, potentials, abilities to be able to do so much, and he expects us to utilize this talents to its fullest and extend our reach to gain more through it, shine as his children and not live as a mediocres.
In the light of today's world a lot of believers are still yet to even discover what TALENTS as been given to them, they don't even know what privileges they have, been God's children, so they wonder wasting time, many are seeing themselves to be worthless, not good enough, seeing how others are excelling, doing so well in their various fields, how well they have been blessed and favoured by God, the same God they have been serving but see no results, by this they go on to hide their talents, ashamed of themselves
Recall that the master in Jesus's parable gave this Talents according to their abilities, to one he gave 5, to another he gave 4 and so on..
God who is the master, who Created us and knew our form, purpose, destiny and all we would be in life gave everyone of us Talents according to our predestined purpose, planned out even before we were formed in our mothers womb, all in the same measures, but just like some of the Servants went on to nurture and groom their talents and made profit of it, so somheaven so he can be glorifiede individuals has actually felt this drive in them, discovering their own Talents and went on to nurture it, and today we're celebrating gobally for their massive success, meanwhile some as left off, even trying to discover what is theirs, and has given up on a lot , this had let them to low self esteem, low self value, depression and and the likes of it..
God as generously deposited the same measure of talents to everyone one of us as his children, it is left for us to discover this and groom it to futility, rather than complain and seeing less of our selves, let's delve in and seek our true essence for life which is the Talents evenly distributed to us By our father in the end