

Hello friends of the #Mcgicares I bring you warm greetings and I hope these post finds you in good spirits... Right for a fact these week's #TopicReviews sync. perfectly with last weeks' it's like a continuation from where we stopped, last we sir Eli talked about why do bad things happen to good people and God's fare amd true justice system that is totally unbiased , bad people getting away with their evil deeds and still flourish, why Does God allow these?....

Which to me prompted these week's another intrigued thoughtful topic, it's one that there isn't a definite answer but quietly listening to Bro Eli's teachings I was able to point out some relevant truth these ancient question that has been bothering every believer on planet earth


first of all Bro. Eli like Jesus would often teach the people in parables so they would understand quickly the emphasis of his teachings- Bro. El had to make his teachings more realistic and understandable by using simple scientific evidence to relate God's protection on all humans, Bro Eli made mention of the Ozone layer that protects life on earth, on every living thing God created, if the ozone layer was not there and the sun had to burn down directly on us all, no life would remain of the Sun's ultraviolet rays, He says that is how God shade his love and protection on all both sinners and believers,....

Bro Eli made mention of the fact that the earth is the only planet inhabitable by living creatures because of how God made it, these insight took me back to Rev. 12:7-12 , that portion told us of the war that broke out in heaven and how Satan was defeated and thrown down to earth with evil angels , the scriptures said woe unto the inhabitants of the earth the devil has been thrown down and he has come to destroy kill and steal, cause he has a very short time

If you re careful enough to look around you will see all the evil acts of men and women Wickedness in it's highest form but still God still loves and protect them do you know why?.....


Says God Commands his love towards us, for while we were yet sinners Christ died for us

JOHN 3:17

for God's son did not come into the world to condemn it but through him the world might be safe

I reflected on these scriptures because they threw more light to the teaching, I was able to understand it more and better as to why God still love the sinners and protects them despot their evil and wicked deeds, you know what I think the life of Paul is a perfect example to that

This is the same guy that spearheaded the killings of Christians at the time, stood and watched Stephen die yet he's the same guy God would choose to preach and carry the gospel to the hinterlands and guess what he became the most reference and profound Apostle of the early church.

So you asked me why does God protects the sinners, why does God still allow the rain and the sun to shine upon those that perpetrate evil against even his own elect, why do they prosper and do so well even better than the believers, the answer is simple God has a purpose for everything he created upon the face of the earth, God knew that the devil been cast down will come to corrupt the soul of men and tries to turn it against him, since he is a God that is so filled with love, kindness and tender mercies, he allows both the wicked to enjoy his rich Bellevolent love protection and supplies to all but however he sends his son with a purpose in JOHN 3:16 to try and turn man's heart back to him, by becoming a man like him, and going through all that man go through both in the hands of wicked men so that man will understand better God's love for him.



God's love is to everyone, our God is so merciful and generous indeed


That's so true..... Thank you for stopping by
