It's actually thought-provoking to ponder on these, I literally could not find a stable ground to base my views on these,....is it our destinies to make heaven?....
Before I answer I'll get my bearings from the book of 2peter 3:9 the C part says "Not wishing any should perish but all should come to repentance"...God wishes everyone to make heaven hell is not a place you would wish your worst enemy to go, but that's not the case here, I would rather keep my argument in line with Bro Eli's teachings in part one of a six-series teaching and exposition the Topic review.
From the stand point of children innocence state he was able to explain the fact the children are likely to make heaven because at that stage they are innocent and know nothing at all, so if they die at infantry they would return to their maker, however as they grow into Teenagers and eventually adulthood they're now responsible for their lives meaning
whatever they decide to engage in have serious consequences both here and in the after life, I take this personally cause most persons just live their lives carelessly leaving everything to chance not realising that there is a life after here.
You see as we grow older we become more conscious of things we do and all that happens Around us, one time I was reading Romans 2:1-2 and it says it all about God's judgment, says all men are inexcusable, ignorance is not an excuse because as you grow older you become more self aware of things, the fact that you don't know them, does not mean they're not there, by standard you're suppose to know them, one time Paul said when I was a child I behaved like a child and now I'm older a put away childish things.
If you're a believer or not, does not evict the fact that heaven is real and you're suppose to know these and live your life to reflect your eligibility making it
Anyone who does not do the will of the father will be a cast away, it is evident in the scripture book of mattew 7:21, and so one will ask what is God's will and how can we oblige these will, it's pretty simple God's will as found in the book of 2peter 3:19 that no one should perish but rather all should come to the knowledge of God unto repentance, So God's will is soul winning and if you engagge in these GOD is pleased.
In several of #MCGICARES Video I've seen service to humanity touching lives, outreaches, medical cares, food donation among others, all these are means of doing God's will, through this means lives are touched and transformed and from there the gospel of Christ is preached to them and they can come to the knowledge of God and eventually get born again.
Heaven is a place reserve for God's elect that have done his will while on earth, there are several ways of spreading God's will to others
May heaven be our destination in Jesus name