
What's that i asked, she said ...that is the Scientific name for a gaptooth, especially the one right In front, ....i'm like seriously 😆😆😆...dias diaste...whats that again d-iast-em-a lengthening the vowels , i laughed even harder cause i've never heard that before not even in the movies, it was really funny, i'm like wow, it felt like i miraculously have something new, that no one else had, when laughed she then told me ....and the way you laughed, how you laughed exposing all your diastema really make sense, awwnnnnn....i'm like this is damn new and i love it😆.

You know it feels good when we hear people appreciate or like some features about us its kinda boost our self esteem amd confidence, and i intentionally do that alot, yah, i make it a point of contact whenever i meet someone wether for the first time or not i make sure i throw in a compliment to lightened the mood a bit and somehow start a conversation from there, i believe, that moment, split of a second were i made you smile or laugh so hard, has lifted a burden or get your mind off a particular thing bordering you.

I feel that no matter how good looking anybody is, and that's include the rich folks too, they are going through one phase or the other, they are going something overwhelming, confused, depressed, lost!...but will put up a nice outfit, drive in a nice car, wear a good looking facial expression, but deep down they are hurting real bad, yah, i get it most times they might not really open up to you about it or say a word, because of how they feel you have perceive them, so it will feel like something of shame to them that such thing is happening to them.....

The rich also cry

My pastor would always say that money is not everything, there things money can't buy, so it can get to a point in a man's life were with all the money he has, his in a deep mess that money can't handle, it goes beyond money, so you see that simple smile on your face at that moment is treasure for me, i can leave you with that, a word or something nice i say can change your mood and change your entire perception about what ever is on your mind...

I really don't like hurting people whether verbally or physically, because one word you say to them, whatever you do can leave a scar in people's life and can go as long as to change their entire perception about that thing for life, so that is why i tread carefully when dealing with people, we have emotions and most times that rules our actions, how we think, act and respond to things around us, i feel this way probably cause of how i was raised, that changed a lot in me....so i love to compliment people, just get them to smile for a moment give me joy, if i speak to anyone and my words or actions make them feel sad, immediately i feel guilty and from there i'll find a way to make it up, let's just be happy and live life freely nobody's hurting, everything's good.

To compliment someone rather than speaking harsh words can really heal a soul going through tough time, you can never tell, this has always been my way of life, because i believe you ought to feel better everytime, worrying, been anxious does not solve anything rather when your mind is relaxed solutions can break forth, and that is possible when you recieve some good words that makes you feel better..



To be sincere, people are dying in silence just because of the way they are. Can I say ego? The fact remains that, opening up to others would be an avenue to find half of the problem solved. Most rich men do not want to tell out their problems instead would cover it no matter the situation.

It is indeed good to compliment people as this would make them feel appreciated and even want to do more.


It's wonderful that you have this characteristic. I can't count times where a simple compliment from someone, even a stranger, made my entire day and squelched whatever bad mood I was in. This is a beautiful attribute you have. Cheers to you.✨
