Hello everyone here in this amazing community @thoughtfulposts I'm particularly grateful for the chance and opportunity to be here and to be able to share my insight on my daily routine, well it something have been doing once in a while just one and off but every since the new year began, I unconciously began practicing it till I got reminded that I could do make this a daily routine, because soon after I'm done I feel a lot better energetic and seem to go about my day with vigor and got this composure and a nice posture, I feel more proud of myself more.....
Hello guys my name is Samuel @eminentsam48 and I specifically love home workouts I began doing this few years a go as a routine, and so I have heat on at it but not constantly, so last week I just started out and every morning and night before bed time I workout some more
So here's my routine, every morning once I wake up I began my workout with 100 press ups, and do some more and some other exercises, now the target is 100 push ups in a month and see what turns out.
I feel great with myself and the transformation I have seen with my physique indeed it's great to have some home workout if going to the gym is far away or too expensive, you can simply active a lots more with this simple work outs daily
Few days ago a cousin of mine Bobby was rather insisting on going to the gym but he was often discourage cause no one to tag along, I simple told him to do it if he's really want to do it, Bobby is 7ft tall and has a great physique if worked on would make him look like Dwayne Johnson 😂.... So he wanted us to go on a road work every morning by 5am, but I knew better By only would never get out of bed to go for it, he's been too lazy on it, which is one thing we all have that lazy attitude to just get up and hit the road every morning or go to the gym for a session , maybe we can do it for a day or two but never get to complete it to the end, that's were consistency comes in the urge to continue go on and on till you achieve that perfect body fitness
How do you feel after your morning routin workouts Or when you step out or wear that outfit, there are tons and numerous benefits why you should workout every morning, and I won't bore you with that I'm sure of you've tried it you can attest to the fact so? You can put to make it a lifestyle everyday to keep your body fit and your system up and running
Hello there! I wanted to stop by real quick and comment on your post. You have gone to great lengths to share a workout routine with us. While I commend you for sticking to a schedule, I would invite you to read our About section of the community. Your post would have been right in line with everyone who shares their workout stories at @actifit. But we focus more on things like the following; from our TDP Posting Guide:
Can you see where I am going with my thoughts? Rather than focusing on your physique, maybe share with your readers what positive impact this has made on your life. Has working out given you a different outlook on life? Has the fact that being in shape will perhaps let you live a longer, and more positive life affected you? Dwell more on how being physically fit will allow you to live longer. Rather than the actual act of working out or how good you might look in your workout gear. Don't misunderstand me, please... I remember when I was younger... I tried for several months to get in shape. Work out... change my diet, the whole nine yards. I did not work LOL. I am an Endomorph, so being skinny is my body type. So you doing what you are is something to be proud of! I'd just rather like to read more about what it has done for you as a person... rather than the "actual" act of working out...
One more thing... we require everyone to state the sources of their photos and graphics... Maybe read a few of the other posts in our community? See the energy and mindset others have used. Incorporate this into your vibe... This is just my way of helping everyone to elevate their awesomesauce... I want everyone to succeed on our blockchain!

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Thanks really I grasp every point, I'll do well to comply to every rule