I often time asked myself why God created man and gave man the power of self will; The ability to make choices, decision, that self awareness to do whatsoever he wish, meanwhile it was easy for God to build man into whatever he wishes as he desires were man would just live to obey him worship him and do his bidding, but no, God has more than enough, tens of thousands in heaven around his throne who are steadfastly worshipping him day and night, as their whole duty, but to man he gave the power of self will to the point were the Angels in heaven got jealous and asked who is man that you are mindful of him that you have made a little bit lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honour

I had to bring that in Cause i see that in this first part of the teachings in these series Bro Eli Anchors on mans ability to make choices, and decisions
that freedom to do whatever has been given to man, so everything relies on choices and our decision to make but how ever the scripture here says not to use that power to oppress one another, hence these teaching.

You see we ought to become peace makers on earth to use that power, that ability to make peace, live peaceabiliy among all men, because despite all these within our confine there are reactions consequences, outcomes, results, aftermath of our choices or whatever decision we make, its not just about what you decide to do it is what will come after that as a consequence of our action.

The book of Revelation 20:12 has spelt out everything, what will likely happened after these phase of live is gone, there will come another phase and that is judgement, it is inevitable, Bro Eli specifically said if Jesus could face death and resurrect that is how all humans will pass through that channel to face judgement and guess what?, we will be judged depending on the context of our lives on earth, every deeds, every word, every thing, whatever we had done while working on upon the earth will be presented before us and will determine our eternity.

Thats why Due. 30:19 stands as a testament of Gods word to us that we have been presented with two choices live or death, blessing or curse, but still insist that we choose life that we may live, whatever we choose here there are consequences attached to them

That freedom has been given to us to choose what to do we can choose to do good or evil but in whatever case there consequences that await us.
