You can say basking or boosting or bragging it all means the samething, its similar to what David said in psalms 34 when he said i will make aboast in the lord, the humble will hear and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together,

What that literally means is that i will proud and confident and rely and be boastful in God because i have come to the place were i have seen him manifest come through for me in many ways i least expect, so i can lean my back on him, i can blindly follow his leading trusting him with mylife, knowing fully well that he's got my entire life's blueprint in the palms of his hands .

The entire Bible is just so filled with words of Gods unwavering die-hard love for humanity that its a back to back loads of goodwill promises to secure humanity to keep his most cherished and valued of all creation safe, sound in perfect peace and harmony, not even to allow any form of harm come near them, this is my strength in God the day i realise how much God loves me, to the height of having to sacrifice, give out his own son to suffer for mankind, something he is totally innocent of, And so the bible said how can God not withholding even his own son but freely give him out for our sake, hold back anything good from us. Romans 8:32.

No wonder Abraham was convinced of Gods promises to him, even after several years has past upto 25years he never relent. He held on to that, the real fact into day's world is that believers think God is some magician?...yah God can do anything in split second but in his perfect timing, he has ochestrated everything perfect in his own time, he's got it all in his palms, so he knows whats best for us all, most times do we really believe that God is wasting time? way it will definitely be because God wills it and nothing can thwart Gods will .

***This is my testimony: How God has perfected all that concern me, right from when i was very little Every thought, plans, prospects every imagination in my head God has literally made them happen, so when i look back at my life's history book, how far God has brought me, the things he has done and put in place for my benefit along the line, these is why i can bask in the promises of God for mylife knowing fully well that since he has done ever good for me all this while he can do so much more for me and even more to come.

In proverbs 4:18 ths scriptures says the path of the just is like that of a shining light and it shineth unto a perfect day, this i know for a surety that God will bring to manifestation and perfect all that concern me in due time, no matter whats going in right now, it might not really look like it but i'm definitely sure God will not fail me, he won't disappoint, he has never failed and he won't start now, this is our confident in God that he will surely perform his word unto the later, not allowing any of his word to fall to the ground but he will hasting to perform them. Jeremiah 1:12
