For the thought i have towards you are thought of Good and not of Evil to give you an Expected End Jeremiah 29:11

The ending part of jeremuah 29:11 Give you an expected end, that phrase expected end means God is assuring you that his thought and plans towards you are such that will grants all your expectation, heart desires, wishes to reality so non of them are left out,....recall in the begining when creation started and all that God did was perfect, God knew it will be perfect but he has to look at it again and say it is good before moving unto the next..

The entire scripture is filled with outstanding promises of Gods good will for us, will we all know contains plans and thoughts and decision of a father to his children mostly to be effected after his death, but in our case, a will was already prepared Down for us, so we were born into Gods perfect will for our lives, that is to assure you that there was a plan, prepared for us, non of us came to earth by mistake or by chance, all of us, our coming was divinely orchestrated to this world to cause a change to the order of things....

God is all knowing, he foresees the end from the beginning, he is perfect in his judgement, he is upright in his ways he never disappoint and never fail ever, some of us most times wish we were born in some wealthy homes into some of the prestigious names on the planet, because of these we see ourselves less, inferior, not amounting to anything, that is not the mindset of a believer, there is a purpose to our existence, look into the bible all those we study and pray to be like, observe thier lives and the circumstance surrounding their existence, Joseph, Esther, Sampson, David, Elijah even Jesus was sent to a particular time and season, to solve a whatever issues prevailing at that time, their birth wasn't just random that was the purpose they were born for.

Why do we complain about our state, the situations, circumstances prevailing in our time, know that, that is the reason why you were born into that family nation to be the pathfinder, solution provider, its your time now, so instead of complaining think of solutions and ways to bring succor to the people around you, know this that God did not make any mistake creating you or sending you to where you are now, its in his purpose and will, trust God enough to understand that he knows what he is doing in yoir life,....

....To give you an expected End

God is ever there with you to see you pass through every trial every difficult moment, he says when you go through the waters i will be with you, through the rivers, they will not sweep over you, when you walk through the fire you will not be burnt, the flames will not set you ablaze....isaiah 43:2.

You can see in the later part of that scripture above how the three Hebrew boys were not consumed by the flames, it says you will walk through it, the children of isreal walked through dry the sea, even Jesus did it to peter, told him to walk on water, which he later began to sink because of self doubt, that is how it gets when we began to doubt in ourselves about who we are who God has made us to be admiring others and wishing we were them, not were we are, we sink because we have taken our eyes off the purpose of God in our lives, no great man in live who ever succeeded in life made out so easy, it is all ways tough, difficult, but never given up pushing through thlse difficult moment, imagine if Jesus had given up through all those difficult times, he even wished if it was possible let God reverse tge plan, because it was tough on him but never the less, laying it Gods will.

we must ensure to align with Gods will and purpose for our lives if we want to live a destiny-purpose driven life on earth.
