The Internal Secrets of Hathor~ Entry for Writing Contest #137



I wish I had gotten a better education about sex when I was a kid.

Like for real, where were the places we could go and truly understand the complexities of love and relationships?!

The adults seemed so ashamed, so secretive, and yet in TV and movies and on the internet all I’d see is gratuitous pyornographic imagery telling me to be sexual, telling me to be more desirable this way, that the goal was to hook up and be with someone who’d stimulate me with dopamine addled deep lust.

But there wasn’t anyone there to educate me about the subtlies of it all, how to relate, how to communicate, how to ask for and give consent, how to listen to my body, about the true makeup of my body.

No one taught me about hygeine, and about eye contact, about love, about different positions, about fertility awareness method, about herbs, about caring for babies who thus become full on kids, about plants, prayer, and preventitive health.

For real, I didn’t even know I had an internal clit*oris until I was like 25!!!


This is what it looks like ^^^

All that time I coulda been diving deeper into it’s magic but I didn’t even know it was THERE. It was sleeping in my awareness, locked away in ancient memory.

And the shame. Let’s touch back on that shame for a moment. There’s deep shame around the most primal of our hjorny desires. There’s distortions and perversions in the mind caused by deep seeded guilt for being a freakin human.

A disconnection from the connection between the top and bottom of our bodies. An up n’ out into disassociation from our creativity, our voice, our intuition, our sovereignty, and our true magnetic centers.

We’re walking around head first. But our wisdom lives in the below.

No one educated me about the lower dan tien in school. No one taught me how to breathe. No one taught me how to have an o*rgasm. No one taught me about how to choose a partner that respects me.

All I was taught was fear. Of pregnancy. Of disease.

And pseudo ‘science’ . And diagrams.

Here i was a newly menstruating child, blood on my hands staining books beneath my blanket fort that were written in the seventies about women having the right to own a business or get a credit card or own land without a man.

It was really only the 70’s that women took off the corset but then we put on shoulder pads, and now ‘goddesses’ wear lingerie and plastic and glue on their faces and dance around for male drug addled djs with their asshes out like Britney and then say their feminists.

It’s religous programming. It’s undealt with trauma from war. It’s propaganda.

It’s a crazy mixed up world.

I wish we could all be educated better about the mysteries of segx. Of the magic of sex. Of the emotional dynamics between lovers. About the meridians. About our bodies. About our souls. About o*rgasm. About kindness.

I wish we could learn about compersion. And that ‘open relationships’ are often a fancy word for cheating. I wish we would learn about red flags. I wish we could live honestly and stop projecting our childhood wounds all over one another.

I wish porn didn’t educate people about how to be sexual. There’s so much lost potential for pleasure in the constant overthinking and fear of losing control.

Why don’t they teach taoist seed retention and semenal recirculation in school? Why don’t men understand the mysteries of this alchemical practice for regeneration, vitality, and health?

Why are men constantly addicted, depleted, and left in longing?

Where are the teachers to guide them down to the river for a cold plunge so he can prevent prostate cancer? Where are the sweat lodges to help him detox the frustration of carrying all that cortisol?

Where are the places where it’s safe for him to have freakin’ feelings?

Why don’t they teach him this in school?

And why dont we have trans people in school teaching kids about being non-binary, gender fluid, transsexual, or transgender? Why don’t the kids learn about the two spirits, and learn from them about the mysteries of identity?


I have a theory as to why.

It’s because if we were to learn and accept these aspects of our sacred segxual beingness. If we were to be in alignment with the power of our ohrgasm to make manifest myriads of realities. If we were to respect our bodies and the bodies of others with consent and reciprocity, we’d be FREE.

We’d no longer be depleted.

We’d no longer be pained in longing.

We’d create heaven on Earth.

We’d destroy the powers that wanna be.

Sex Education needs reform. It’s time!

En español :

Ojalá hubiera recibido una mejor educación sexual cuando era niño.

De verdad, ¿dónde había lugares a los que pudiéramos ir y entender de verdad las complejidades del amor y las relaciones?

Los adultos parecían tan avergonzados, tan reservados, y sin embargo en la televisión, en las películas y en Internet todo lo que veía eran imágenes pornográficas gratuitas que me decían que fuera sexual, que así sería más deseable, que el objetivo era ligar y estar con alguien que me estimulara con una profunda lujuria adicta a la dopamina.

Pero no había nadie que me enseñara las sutilezas de todo esto, cómo relacionarme, cómo comunicarme, cómo pedir y dar consentimiento, cómo escuchar a mi cuerpo, sobre la verdadera composición de mi cuerpo.

Nadie me enseñó sobre higiene, ni sobre el contacto visual, ni sobre el amor, ni sobre las diferentes posturas, ni sobre el método de conocimiento de la fertilidad, ni sobre hierbas, ni sobre el cuidado de los bebés que se convierten en niños, ni sobre plantas, ni sobre la oración, ni sobre salud preventiva.

En serio, ¡¡¡ni siquiera sabía que tenía un clítoris*oris interno hasta que tuve como 25 años!!!


Esto es lo que parece ^^

Todo ese tiempo podría haber estado buceando más profundamente en su magia, pero ni siquiera sabía que estaba ahí. Estaba durmiendo en mi conciencia, encerrado en la memoria antigua.

Y la vergüenza. Volvamos a la vergüenza por un momento. Hay una profunda vergüenza en torno a nuestros deseos más primarios. Hay distorsiones y perversiones en la mente causadas por una culpa profundamente arraigada por ser un maldito ser humano.

Una desconexión de la conexión entre la parte superior e inferior de nuestros cuerpos. Un subir y bajar hacia la disociación de nuestra creatividad, nuestra voz, nuestra intuición, nuestra soberanía y nuestros verdaderos centros magnéticos.

Caminamos de cabeza. Pero nuestra sabiduría vive en la parte inferior.

Nadie me educó sobre el dan tien inferior en la escuela. Nadie me enseñó a respirar. Nadie me enseñó cómo tener un o*rgasmo. Nadie me enseñó cómo elegir una pareja que me respete.

Todo lo que me enseñaron fue el miedo. Al embarazo. A las enfermedades.

Y pseudo 'ciencia' . Y diagramas.

Aquí estaba yo, una niña que acababa de menstruar, con las manos manchadas de sangre que manchaban los libros que había bajo mi fuerte de mantas, escritos en los años setenta sobre el derecho de las mujeres a tener un negocio o una tarjeta de crédito o poseer tierras sin un hombre.

En realidad fue en los 70 cuando las mujeres se quitaron el corsé, pero entonces nos pusimos hombreras, y ahora las "diosas" llevan lencería y plástico y pegamento en la cara y bailan para djs drogadictos con el culo al aire como Britney y luego dicen que son feministas.

Es programación religiosa. Es trauma de guerra no tratado. Es propaganda.

Es un mundo loco y mezclado.

Me gustaría que todos pudiéramos ser educados mejor sobre los misterios de segx. De la magia del sexo. De la dinámica emocional entre amantes. Sobre los meridianos. Sobre nuestros cuerpos. Sobre nuestras almas. Del o*rgasmo. Sobre la bondad.

Ojalá pudiéramos aprender sobre la compersión. Y que las "relaciones abiertas" son a menudo una palabra elegante para engañar. Ojalá aprendiésemos sobre las banderas rojas. Ojalá pudiéramos

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


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I can only congratulate you for such an expressive publication. Fear was the teaching. The madness of the women's movement, a business, where we, the women, were the ones who were deceived. And even with all that apparent femininity, the right to be equal, we forgot our body, that sacred temple, and even more where creativity resides, because above all, women, those of us who have uterus, vagina, clitoris, we are creators. Thank you thank you thank you for such a beautiful post.

No puedo mas que felicitarte por tan expresiva publicación. El miedo fue la enseñanza. La locura del movimiento femenino, un negocio, donde las engañadas fuimos las mujeres. Y aun con toda esa aparente femenidad, el derecho a ser iguales, olvidamos nuestro cuerpo, ese templo sagrado, y mas aun donde reside la creatividad, pues por sobre todo, las mujeres, las que tenemos utero, vagina, clitoris, somos creadoras. Gracias gracias gracias por tan bello post.



Thank you thank you for reading this and for remembering with us the magick of our womb, our clitoris, and our vagina. Sometimes our own bodies become at war with themselves when we're taught to be ashamed or to be out of tune with the voice of our inherent knowing. Powerful forum here, and greatful to connect with spanish speaking sistren such as yourself!!!

Gracias, gracias por leer esto y por recordar con nosotras la magia de nuestro útero, nuestro clítoris y nuestra vagina. A veces, nuestros propios cuerpos entran en guerra consigo mismos cuando se nos enseña a avergonzarnos o a desafinar la voz de nuestro conocimiento inherente. ¡Foro poderoso aquí, y muy agradecido de conectarme con hermanas de habla hispana como tú!


I understand this war you are talking about very well and I have lived through it. Little by little my being has learned to come out, to show itself and to accept itself. I am a woman, I am what I am. A big hug. I wish you a wonderful day. I am also happy to connect with people from other latitudes and discover that although distances separate us, many of our ideas unite us.

Esa guerra de la que hablas la entiendo muy bien y la he vivido. Poco a poco mi ser a aprendido a salir, a mostrarse y a aceptarse. Soy mujer, soy lo que soy. Un fuerte abrazo. Te deseo un explendido día. Igual estoy feliz de conectar con personas de otras latitudes y descubrir que aunque las distancias nos separan, muchas de nuestras ideas nos unen.


you got many questions. but are they rhetorical or seriously questioned?

And why dont we have trans people in school teaching kids about being non-binary, gender fluid, transsexual, or transgender?

do you mean do or dont ?


Te felicito por tu valiente expresión, y por ganar el 1er lugar @emilyra333.

I congratulate you for your brave expression, and for winning 1st place @emilyra333.


This is superb writing and I could not agree more! There is no shame in being a woman and embracing your sexual self, especially from a young age. Its like leaving us harmless in this harmful world. The young ones need to informed about these things. Its important for their safety and protection.


Loved this post! You had me hooked with the mention of Hathor in the title, and it got better, the more I read! I was taught about hygiene, but the rest of my understanding came from other places, here-and-there, and slowly over the course of time. The disconnect between our heads and 'down there' (in society's eyes) is ridiculous. BRAVO for a superb piece of writing! 💜


Thank you for this meaningful post! I love the style of your writing. The truth rings loud in clear in your words. Peace


You're very welcome! It's an honor to be here.


That's so nice. Thank you I'm glad that my words resonate. I'll keep writing and sharing!


This is an extremely enlightening post, I had no idea that women actually had internal battles going on, and the disconnect between the brain and below the shoulders. I do realize that it was different in the 50s, 60s, and 70s than it is now, not sure where they are headed at the moment.

Esta es una publicación extremadamente esclarecedora, no tenía idea de que las mujeres realmente tenían batallas internas y la desconexión entre el cerebro y debajo de los hombros. Me doy cuenta de que era diferente en los años 50, 60 y 70 de lo que es ahora, no estoy seguro de hacia dónde se dirigen en este momento.
Good luck in the contest!


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I couldn't agree more with almost the entire piece. This is so whole, superb, and informative. I want to hear so much more of you and by all means, you’ve earned a follower.

Well done.


Wow, thank you. I'll keep sharing. Blessings <3
