On Bridges and Karma...
Recently I had the honor through synchronicity to help rebuild a bridge across the Little Kalama River.
While placing my hands on each large board of old growth cedar as we cleaned, sanded and stained them, I could feel the karmic significance of this simple act, and the medicine of the bridge itself.
A bridge opens the way to connect to something else. It's a passage from one place to another.
There's a symbolism bridges bring about relationship, and about what we're manifesting in our own unique lives in regards to relating with others.
While working in the sun all day, we spoke of many things.
We shared about detoxing the body from parasites. About music and poetry. About the state of humanity and shared reality. About astrology. About philosophy.
Anyways, one of the men i worked with named Levi asked me amongst the shwirl, 'What is your definition of karma?' and I told him I'd go to the river and ask the river what they thought of it and let him know later.
So I did. I went to the confluence of the river yesterday and the karma shifted completely.
There at the confluence I found my heart both breaking over seperation, and also changing to become free from old contracts that don't serve.
So I suppose this writing about karma is for Levi.
And for all of us really. Cuz that's how it goes. That's what bridges do. They allow others in, and out.
They open the way for new people and things to come in, and for old things and people to be able to leave.
I said this prayer while we smudged the bridge with it's own sap...
'May you find yourself in interesting places, and may you also find yourself out of those interesting places.'
...same sap that left a scar on my hand when i accidentally dropped a searing hot drop of it's liquid on my thumb.
Another karmic imprint. Scarma. lol.
So Karma...What does this mean?
According to the robots of Wikipedia:
(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
Is karma the consequence of previous action that sees itself rippled into the present to be dealt with so it may be cleared?
Is clearing our karma the same style of healing as getting acupuncture?
Are we clearing meridian lines of lifetimes that seem to confluence at nodal axis points and then carry themselves out as our creative/destructive works?
Maybe karma is something that’s more of a smelled sense than a seen or heard one. You just feel it when it's there.
In Viking thought there's a force called 'The Wyrd.' The Wyrd is similar to karma.
It's imagined as a web of interlocking destinies. It is the warp of the loom that the weft of fate is then woven upon.
*Image credit: The Wyrd Blog, A Wanderer's Journey *
Or maybe karma is that feeling with certain people where they have this air of purpose about them you can psychically sense when you meet.
And you wonder to yourself...'Were you my lover? My enemy? My mother? My child?
What shared purpose do we have together? Why has the Universe brought us together in this way? What can we do to be conscious of this as we forge new relationships and end old ones?
What part does our ancestry, our past lives, and cultural conditioning have to play in the karmic repercussions playing out as choices in our daily lives? '
My past partner Zin Uru once wrote:
- I am Hip Hop. Innocent and Free. Don't lay the burden of your karma on me. I'm a free emcee. The Highest Degree. I'm not bound to other nation's prophecies. *
I feel that.
All I wanna do is transcend the karma and be free from it's bounds because karma acts in loops. All I wanna do is feel the innocence of my spirit amongst the karmic material weight of Earth.
I think of the collective karma on Earth.
Here's the 7 Karmic Rings from the Plieadian Workbook:
*" *On a collective level,
there are seven primary karmic patterns that need to be cleared and
transcended at this time.
The patterns that are currently being exaggerated
in order to bring them into your awareness so that you can transform them
Arrogance, Addiction, Prejudice, Hatred, Violence, Victimhood, and Shame.
These seven sources of pain, illusion, and separation are listed in the order they developed in this solar ring—beginning on Venus and expanding
on Mars, Maldek, and finally Earth.
How they have culminated on Earth is
so obvious that it seems pointless to elaborate very much.**
Amorah Quan Yin goes on to say...
The seven karmic patterns listed above are general to this
solar ring, although their resolution is being worked out on Earth. There are
also seven primary vices, or ego allurements, that are specific to the Incan
mystery school teachings and to planet Earth. ## They are: Lust, Laziness,
Gluttony, Pride, Anger, Envy, and Greed. In the Incan teachings, humans must
overcome these ego allurements prior to attaining spiritual power.
We are living the result of karma from what has long been gone. We carry these past rings of karma in our astral bodies and act unconsciously based upon them.
How do we clear these karmic patterns that our limiting our evolution? How do we free ourselves from the karmic repercussions of others and Earth, and do our blessed to make new conscious agreements that lend towards peace and prosperity?
As I write on karma I realize that there are more questions than answers. I find myself in a state of curiousity rather than a state of solidity.
The river has every answer needed about karma. There is a force of nature that moves everything along. And with it come various forms of life. There's fish, there's plants, theres stones getting polished all in the river of karma.
It's how we live, as life feeds on life. As all life thrives on the devouring of one another's karma.
I think karma may have just run over my dogma. I hope it know's how to swim. Best stick to the dharma. Cuz it can breathe in water.
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