Perspective On Life: ON COLOS.
In simplest form, perspective of life is the way a person sees and understand life, including our experiences, challenges, and goals.
Our perspective to any matter is like a lens through which we view the world, influencing how you we feel and behave. One's perspective can shape his/her attitudes, decisions, and overall outlook on life.
While growing, I was raised by my paternal grand mother and i saw the way she takes her routine medication because she was diagnosed of high blood pressure in early 2000.
With that knowledge I grew up understanding that medications are meant to cure us of sickness or help us manage our medical situations giving us the chance to live more longer and get to spend more time with our loved ones.
On the contrary, youths now sees medication as DRUG. By drug I mean they see medication as a kind of stimulant used for leisure, pressure, energy or performance enhancement and they become addicted to it.
They become addicted because their bodies stop responding to small doses and they have to increase each dosage usage in order to get the kind of result or sensation they want from it which leads them to either being mentally unstable or even worse unconscious for some hours.
What then is the point in taking a substance into one's body when the substance cannot bring out the best part of our system but instead brings public disgrace, immulation and embracement not only to its consumer but also to his friends and family.
With this observation,my perspective on life about medication has really changed i now understand that people can take medications not because they have a medical situations that demands it but because they need to get HIGH.
Have learnt to make the best use of this present chance at life to consume a good diet, do things that makes me happy go on vacations,visit the hospital regularly for cheek up and avoid any means of self medications which may also be tagged as the wrong usage of drugs (drug abuse).
Thank you for reading till the end.
All images are mine.
Abuse of drug us common amongst youth. It's appalling that even when they know the dangers, some still wouldn't desist from abusing drugs.
Thank you for sharing.
Please try to make your post at least 500 word count when posting in the Hive Naija community.
Ok ma thanks alot for the point.
Hmmmmm, did that guy take colos?
You are right when you said many youths of nowadays don't respect medications but rather abuse it.
My sister, not even only medication,if you see some taking some combinations of food ,you will be Amazed