Emergency Exit.....(SAFETY FIRST).


I never knew I could be in a situation where I will have to be responsible for other people's children or should I say in my years of teaching I never had the opportunity to have to cater for so many children at the same time till the time of this ugly event.
It was a Wednesday in my school and I was taking the most populated class in the school at that time as I usually have the class a period before break time.
A few minutes into the class I felt a kind of funny gas in the atmosphere and the air immediately felt like something dangerous to inhale for me before I could say anything, the children also felt it and started complaining.
My adrenaline popped up and I hard to tell the pupls in my class to move down to the hall on a straight line. Before we knew what was happening, the whole school was in chaos because some pupils were finding it difficult to breath.


Our director of studies had to swing into action by ensuring that all pupils were safe and the ones that needed extra attention were also attended to, after that she taught us about safety tips where she stated that "safety first" in every situations we must try as much as possible to mark ourselves save first
We later heard that it was the police force that threw tear gas in other to scare off some bike men that were parking in unwanted place away.
Thanks for reading.


How can police release year gas in a lace where there are kids, haba. I have once suffered from the effect of inhaling tear gas and to be honest,it wasn't funny at all.

Thank goodness the kids were safe and none had any major complications.
