Show Me A Photo (#SMaP) Contest Round 211 - Free Theme

On a recent visit to Clumber Park, a local country park, we often spot buzzards circling in the sky. However, this time was different. We were fortunate enough to spot a buzzard perched atop a tree with a gothic church in the background. It seemed quite fitting, really.

This is my entry to the Show Me A Photo (#SMaP) Contest Round 211 - Free Theme.

As we watched, the buzzard gracefully took flight and landed on a nearby pole where a nest box was situated. However, buzzards build their nests high in trees as this is the safest place for their young; they prefer stable platforms rather than using nesting boxes.

This country park is a habitat for numerous birds, but the buzzard, with its striking plumage and graceful movements, stood out as a highlight of our visit.

Thank you to @nelinoeva and the Feathered Friend's team for running the contest.
