I took a stroll around ‘Teddy Bear’s Walk,’ but where are the Teddy Bears?
Today, I went on a walk commonly known in my village as the “Teddy Bear’s Walk.” Interestingly, despite its name, nobody seems to know how it got its name. Unfortunately, the first part of the walk was all uphill. Thankfully, there was a bench at the top to sit down, catch your breath, and look at the view.
During my numerous walks, I often come across various lost items, such as hats and gloves. The finders typically hang these lost belongings on tree branches, hoping that they will eventually be returned to their rightful owners.
As part of my journey, I passed by the local golf course. This morning, there weren't many golfers out on the course.
After passing the golf club, I made my way up to the next public footpath, where daffodils swayed in the gentle breeze along the grassy verge.
As I turned left onto the footpath, I was pleased to find it was a gentle slope downhill. I liked the vibrant green algae on the weathered wooden fence.
I followed the footpath down the edge of the golf course towards the bottom of the wood. I was about half way around at this point.
There's not much left of this bridge, so it's single file only.
It started to get a bit muddy in certain areas and I had a job staying on my feet.
I exited the wood and followed the footpath over the field, making my way to the next footbridge.
As usual, wild garlic was growing next to the stream. It wasn’t in flower yet so there was no fragrance.
At the end of my walk, I was tempted to have a go on the swing across the stream, but I doubt it would take my weight! I didn't spot any teddy bears on "Teddy Bear’s Walk" either, so it still remains a mystery.
This post is for #beautifulsunday initiated by @ace108 and #sublimesunday initiated by @c0ff33a.
Amazing nature
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