A Leisurely Walk Avoiding the Sheep Poo!

The sun came out again today as we took a walk through Chatsworth Park.

Dogs firmly on the lead as lots of sheep and lambs about.

The dog I'm looking after at the moment is a lover, not a fighter, so the sheep would probably terrorise him! You can't be too careful though.

We chose an easy walk along the clear path with a steady ascent to the top.

I like to have a good walk at least once a day. We all know about the physical benefits walking can give you, but it is also good for your mental health as well. I also enjoy the part where you stop and eat chocolate to give you more energy to finish your walk!

It doesn't matter what season it is, the trees always look great in the park. The only problem here is stupid humans leaving their litter .... oh and sheep poo! There was a lot of it today. If anyone is going to tread in it, it's me!

There's lots of lovely shades of green in the countryside at the moment. In fact, we've had a great May with lots of blossom, cow parsley at the side of the roads and dandelions and buttercups creating a lovely sea of yellow in the fields. I hope June is even better.


Sheep poop !! Are they poop everywhere :D :D
