News about our fundraiser for Uganda! - Neuigkeiten unserer Spendenaktion für Uganda! (254)

❤️❤️❤️ There is good news!
You probably remember the Promise family.
They have lost a total of three of their four children.
Promise was the girl who died in the landslide,
that caused the house to collapse.
We gave them a new house, a water tank and a solar system.
And now they got a little boy as a present last Tuesday!
Congratulations to them!
As the family lives so far away from Bosco,
I don't have a photo of the baby.


❤️❤️❤️ Es gibt eine gute Nachricht!
Ihr erinnert euch bestimmt an die Familie von Promise.
Sie haben insgesamt drei ihrer vier Kinder verloren.
Promise war das Mädchen , dass bei dem Erdrutsch,
welcher das Haus zum Einsturz brachte, ums Leben kam.
Sie bekamen von uns ein neues Haus , einen Wassertank und eine Solaranlage.
Und nun bekamen sie letzte Woche Dienstag einen kleinen Jungen geschenkt!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Da die Familie so weit von Bosco entfernt wohnt,
habe ich leider kein Foto von dem Baby.



How fantastic to hear about the Promise family's new boy! Thank you so much. Knowing that even amidst such difficulties there is hope and happiness is heartwarming. Well done to those guys!

Truly inspiring, Uganda is where you will be using. Thanks for your update and for all the great work you are accomplishing to benefit the underprivileged. It is awesome to observe the influence your fundraising activities have had. Keep up the outstanding effort!
