Family responsibility: should it be a burden? LoH #148
Hello beautiful #Ladiesofhive. It's new day and I wish everyone succes in all their endeavours as we go go about our daily activities. Am glad to answer to the topic by @jane1289
1️⃣ Nowadays, some parents pass on to their kids the family responsibility after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your kids to shoulder burdens that are not supposed to be theirs? As a child, is it necessary for you to pay back your parents' laborious efforts even though it means you have to sacrifice your freedom?
As at the time when farming was the only work you do to survive, if you want to be educated you need to work extra so you can pay your school fees,my dad started working as a civil servant before he further his higher education in the polytechnic and my mum being the first child to her own family and from a polygamous family had to leave her parents house to live with her Grandma to reduce responsibility on her parents, at a tender age she already put all her siblings over herself as it is said that the first child needs to look after the younger ones, putting her own life on hold without getting proper education.
She stayed in the village with her paternal grandma hawking beans cake(akara). My parents definitely understood how it felt and the burden a child face when fending for themselves, and my mum used to say the way she suffered she never pray any of her child goes through it.
With the economy of the country, the salary earned sometimes is not enough for the child alone then joining so many responsibilities. Not saying that children should not take care of their parents and it is very normal to give to one's parents, this is the fruit of their labour. At a point when a child already has the capacity to take care of himself/herself together with the third party, then they should do it but not enforced to the extent that it becomes a burden that chokes.
Even after I graduated and I try to give my parents things they stylishly ask to know if it's convenient because they know the salary I earn as a teacher was not enough to take care of myself. When a child gets to that point when they can take full responsibility it will be obvious and no one needs to ask they will definitely do it since it is the right thing to do by reciprocating the love and sacrifices which our parents have given to us right from our childhood to adulthood, that's why my dad wants every of his children to be independent and take care of himself/herself, he made sure he did his own part while you do yours on your own
I have seen someone who shoulder so many responsibilities of the family, up to the extent of the uncles and aunts, and when he got broke(financially unstable) and couldn't give anymore, they thought he was lying and they called him names, this is an example of don't bite more than you can chew, then end up choking yourself and disturbing your freedom, giving your self so much headaches
Thanks for stopping by
I feel your mother's hardship and her experience.
Yeah, she went through a lot. Thank you for checking on my blog