Weekly Engagement-WK 38: Do What Works For You


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Each day, we all come across different things in our line of work which may affect us positively or negatively. What advice would you give to someone out there who’s trying to do this life thing right? It may be work-related advice or general life advice.

For a girl who was born with a silver spoon and ended up losing it as a result of an untimely death that took away the breadwinner of their home, I believe that life itself has taught me things I never got to know and learned early because I was under certain coverage, and because I had someone who was always looking out for me. One of the things I tell people is that I learned life the hard way.

Because of where I was, I didn't take life seriously and didn't know that there was more to life than the black and white I was allowed to see and perceive from a distance because of the privilege I had at that time, I didn't know that life was more of the "Survival of the fittest" than what I thought.

Truth be told, I am still learning, still learning, relearning, and learning, I am still trying to see and learn life not just from my perspective but from others' perspectives, I am still trying to reach out to potentials and unleashing them, and I am still trying to figure so many things out because as I grow in age, I realize that I have to revolve and spread more wings, I have to understand life better to be a better person not just for myself but for people around me.

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I have to shed off some character traits and inherit some characters and attitudes to be able to withstand the world's challenges and win. I have to brace myself up and keep moving, to keep myself afloat and not sink with the waves. The truth is in this life if you are afraid of taking a risk because you don't want to lose, you would still lose it if you don't want to take the risk.

Notwithstanding, one of the pieces of advice I would give to someone who is trying to do life right is "Do what works for you". The World will throw at you things, the world will give an opinion about how your life is supposed to be and work, the world will give you different views, and the media and peers even make it worse by throwing at us some outrageous opinions and views about how life is supposed to be and every other thing that concerns being a certain gender and all of that but it would be wrong for you to want to go with the flow, it would be wrong to accept every view and opinion you receive and want to work it.

Don't let the media, don't let peers, don't let pressure push you into doing something or taking a decision or making a choice that you would later regret in life, don't follow the crowd, don't follow the status quo, be different, be outstanding, be unique, do what works for you, don't be afraid of doing something different all because you are afraid of people talking.

The truth is people would always talk, people would always condemn and even justify the reasons for their words, it is left for you to pick one or two and move on with your life. Don't try to act all right by people, you will fail woefully and end up hurting yourself more than you can imagine, don't limit yourself because you are afraid of people and what people would say, or because you don't want people talking, do what works for people and live your life because people will always talk and there is nothing you can do about it.

This is my entry to Weekly Engagement-WK 38: Join Us For A Week Filled With Exciting Activities

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Do life the way you seems fit , don't let the world dictate to you. Just don't hurt others for your own happiness.


Yeah, that too is part of it.

Thank you


We all have different paths and different things we excel at, which is why it is unwise to just copy others and try to be like others instead of focusing on you and making you the best version of you. Do what works for you and not others



Yeah, you get it. I mean doing others is a waste of time.

Thank you 😊


Do life the right way
Do you
What makes you happy
What is right
But don't ruin others to make you happy

Thanks for sharing


I’m so happy that embracing new things in life and ready to make changes in your life , “remove the removables and add the addables”
It’s really good to hear that
And I’m even more happy that I’ve learned from you today that whether you take risks or not you might end up losing something in the end


It's life, we just have to do what we ought to do and do the right thing for ourselves first, and then others.

Awwwnnn, you are making me blush ☺️, thank you.


You share a great advice here
It's a Good thing to allow them to talk, na them get their mouth and do what's best for you.


Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate 😊
