Everything has advantages and disadvantages


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A woman would say, "In my next life, I would still love to be a woman regardless", and a man will also say, "In my next life, I would choose to be a man again, we also have those who will say " They never want to come back the same gender they are currently, they want to be the opposite of who they currently are". When you hear people say this thing, it only means one thing, for every gender, they is an advantages and disadvantages. We all know that being a woman has advantages and disadvantages same way we know that being a man, has advantages and disadvantages.

Society makes us understand this truth, the media, our old parents, and the world at large, are more reasons why we now have gender roles and responsibilities and so, when we find a particular gender doing a thing meant for the other gender, we either gush about it or rebuke it saying it is a taboo.

When we see a woman in the world of sculpture, hair bathing, or any skill meant or defined to be for the male gender, we either feel she isn't supposed to be there or gush over and the adorable thing about a woman being a man's world is that she gets to be patronized more because they feel that it is a job or skill meant for the male gender and that it is rare to meet a woman in such field. It is the same way we patronize men who are found in the woman's world or doing a job or skill meant for women. That is the advantage of being a woman or a male.

Now, when it comes to the disadvantages of being a gender, women are often faced with so many challenges, especially having to bear the pains that come with our monthly cycle, ovulation, and then on to childbearing and having to live all her life for people, if it is not for her family, it is for her husband and then, there comes the children and the others.

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The world defines marriage as working or not working as a result of the job or work she does or puts in to make the marriage work. If a marriage, does not work, the woman is blamed for not fighting for her marriage and husband, they state that she is supposed to be up and doing because her marriage depends on her. If her husband does not change his attitude, she is blamed for not going on both knees to pray to her husband even when the man does not want to be fought for. If her children come out wayward, she is pointed at as being the one who didn't train her children well but if he children all come ot successful, accolades are given to the man and husband of the house ebb though he may not have put in as much effort as the woman did.

A man is defined as someone who is meant to go out and bring in food and money for the family and of course not participate in the house activities because he is a man even when occasions call or needs his help and so society describes a man who helps in these things that aren't the definition of a man as a man being simp.

Every gender has an advantage and disadvantage, it was a culture we came to meet and while we've accepted to a few of them, we are still working on a few of them.

This article is inspired by the May daily prompt initiative. Read the announcement post to join the May initiative

Thank you for reading!!!

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