UN GIRÓ MÁS - relato de propia autoría [Esp - Eng]


Fuente: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/9b/28/fd9b2875c885dc23c35b88dcc78bfb9e.jpg

Andaba solo, bosque adentro en busca de un animal para llevar comida al rancho, a pie y únicamente con sus manos, para no tener ninguna ventaja sobre su presa, era poseedor de la inteligencia, heredada por sus aborígenes ancestros, quienes fueron los primeros habitantes de estas tierras.

He walked alone, inside the forest in search of an animal to bring food to the ranch, on foot and only with his hands, so as not to have any advantage over his prey, he possessed intelligence, inherited by his aborigine ancestors, who were the first inhabitants. of these lands.

En su sangre mestiza predominaba la india, ya que está caminando, pisando su hábitat natural de caza y pesca.

In his mestizo blood the Indian predominated, since he is walking, stepping on his natural habitat of hunting and fishing.

Lleva muchas horas siguiendo a un eximió cazador, un lobo que ahora parece haber encontrado su objetivo y en un repentino movimiento apretó con sus dientes la garganta de una liebre, el viento entre la copa de los árboles jugo a su favor, ese sonido de las hojas moviéndose tapo cualquier ruido que pudo producir sin querer por lo cual el animal no se alertó.

He has been following a distinguished hunter for many hours, a wolf that now seems to have found its goal and in a sudden movement clamped its teeth on the throat of a hare, the wind between the treetops played in its favor, that sound of the Moving leaves covered any noise that could have been produced without wanting to, so the animal was not alerted.

Sin pensarlo se abalanzó sobre ambos buscando arrebatarle la presa al depredador.

Without thinking, he pounced on both of them looking to snatch the prey from the predator.

El lobo clavó sus uñas en la liebre para asegurársela más, mientras seguía intentando asfixiarla con sus dientes y el hombre la tomo por el cuello del lado del lomo y pudo ver por el rabillo del ojo una piedra y le asestó un golpe en la cien al animal lo semi-desvaneció fue así que soltó su caza y retrocedió tambaleante hasta desaparecer en la espesura del bosque.

The wolf dug his nails into the hare to make it more secure, while he continued trying to suffocate her with his teeth and the man took her by the neck on the side of the back and he could see a stone out of the corner of his eye and he struck him one hundred at The animal semi-vanished him, so he dropped his hunt and staggered back until he disappeared into the thicket of the forest.

Se incorporó triunfador y con la adrenalina corriendo por sus venas ni siquiera se percató que su ropa estaba rasgada y sangraba por varios rasguños no muy profundos que le había hecho el feroz animal con sus patas traseras en el brutal intento de sacárselo de encima, contento caminó rápidamente empecinado en llegar al rancho del cual se había alejado hacía mucho más de un día.

He sat up triumphant and with adrenaline running through his veins he did not even realize that his clothes were torn and he was bleeding from several not very deep scratches that the ferocious animal had made with its hind legs in the brutal attempt to get it off of him, content he walked quickly determined to reach the ranch from which he had moved away much more than a day.

Después de largas horas de caminata logró observar su cabaña un poco antes de que anocheciera.

After long hours of walking, he managed to see his cabin a little before dark.

Colgó la liebre de una rama del árbol o más bien la monto sobre ella y pensó en ir a buscar su cuchillo para desollarla (quitarle la piel), cuando abrió la puerta. Lo que sus ojos pudieron ver era de una película de terror su esposa y su hijita estaban muertas bañadas en sangre con señales de abuso, solo callo de rodillas, se tomó la cabeza con ambas manos y grito y de su garganta broto un sollozo desgarrador, un gemido que se dejó escuchar hacia los cuatro puntos cardinales.

He hung the hare from a branch of the tree or rather mounted it on it and thought about going to get his knife to skin it (remove its skin), when he opened the door. What his eyes could see was from a horror movie his wife and daughter were dead bathed in blood with signs of abuse, he just fell to his knees, held his head with both hands and screamed and a heartbreaking sob burst from his throat, a moan that was heard towards the four cardinal points.

Tomo sus cuerpitos frágiles y le dio Cristiana sepultura por eso de que somos polvo y al polvo volveremos, buscó el cuchillo y partió por el bosque cobijado por las sombras de la noche e iluminado por la luz de la luna la cual, parecía una moneda hacia donde indicaban las huellas de los caballos, que no eran más de cuatro animales.

He took their fragile little bodies and gave them a Christian burial because we are dust and we will return to dust, he looked for the knife and left for the forest sheltered by the shadows of the night and illuminated by the light of the moon, which seemed like a coin towards where they indicated the tracks of the horses, which were no more than four animals.

Cortando camino hacia el río luego de abandonar el rastro, sospechando sus intenciones, les dio alcancé habían hecho un fuego y asaban carne de jabalí a la llama mientras tomaban algo, lo más probable con alcohol en unos jarros y pudo ver qué uno de ellos era el de su hijita, desenfundó su cuchillo y lo clavo en la tierra como buscando liberar un poquito de toda la ira contenida y aguardo pacientemente como un animal al acechó.

Cutting their way to the river after leaving the trail, suspecting their intentions, he caught up with them, they had made a fire and were roasting wild boar meat over the flame while they drank something, most likely alcohol in mugs, and he could see which one of them was that of his daughter, he unsheathed his knife and stuck it into the ground as if seeking to release a little bit of all the contained anger and waited patiently like an animal on the lookout.

Uno de ellos se incorporó y se alejó a orinar detrás de un árbol lo sorprendió por la espalda le tapó la boca con la mano para enmudecerlo y con el cuchillo en la otra lo degolló (Corto su garganta) acompaño su caída con su brazo para que no se desplomase y pusiera en alerta a los demás con el ruido de su caída, volvió a ocultarse sabiendo que no le quedaba mucho tiempo para que empezarán a sospechar que su compañero no regresaba.

One of them got up and walked away to urinate behind a tree, surprised him from behind, covered his mouth with his hand to silence him and with the knife in the other, he slit his throat (cutting his throat) accompanied his fall with his arm so that If he didn't collapse and put the others on alert with the noise of his fall, he hid again knowing that he didn't have much time left for them to begin to suspect that his companion hadn't returned.

Estaba obligado a improvisar no podía ir contra tres hombres armados aunque la borrachera (incapacidad de movimientos que produce la ingesta de alcohol) jugase a su favor así que fue y espanto asustó a los caballos y estos comenzaron a relinchar y patear al aire volvió a esconderse y uno de ellos se acercó a revisar que animal podía estarlos molestando, otra vez lo sorprendió le lanzó el cuchillo con tan buen tiró que se lo clavó en el corazón, le quitó el revólver recuperó su cuchillo y se dijo, ahora sí eran dos contra uno elimino al primero de un certero disparo en la cabeza y el otro dejo caer el jarro de su hijita y corrió a los caballos en busca del rifle que guardaba en su montura, le pegó primero un tiro en la pierna arrojó el arma al río y lo dejo que siguiera arrastrándose lo observó ponerse en pie sosteniéndose del caballo y con dificultad hacerse del arma girar y cargar para disparar y fue ahí que le lanzó el cuchillo y lo mató.

He was forced to improvise, he could not go against three armed men, even though drunkenness (inability to move due to alcohol intake) played in his favor, so he went and scared the horses and they began to neigh and kick in the air, he hid again and one of them went over to check what animal could be bothering them, another time he surprised him, he threw the knife at him with such a good throw that it plunged it into his heart, he took the revolver from him, recovered his knife and said to himself, now it was two against one eliminated the first with an accurate shot to the head and the other dropped his daughter's jug and ran to the horses in search of the rifle that he kept on his saddle, he shot him first in the leg, threw the weapon into the river and He let him continue crawling, he watched him stand up holding on to the horse and with difficulty get hold of the weapon, turn and load to shoot, and that's when he threw the knife at him and killed him.

Los hechos siguientes fueron de brutal barbarie, literalmente le arrancó el corazón lo mordió, mastico y escupió luego se acercó al fuego comió carne asada bebió de la botella y entro a caminar sin rumbo y sin armas por la oscuridad.

The following events were brutally barbaric, he literally ripped out his heart, bit it, chewed and spat, then approached the fire, ate roast meat, drank from the bottle and walked aimlessly and unarmed through the dark.

Sin saber que alguien lo observaba, solo pensaba en la matanza de sus antepasados porque eran bárbaros ¿y estos cuatros qué eran?

Not knowing that someone is watching him, he only thought about the slaughter of his ancestors because they were barbarians, and what were these four?

Nunca lo escucho venir solo sintió que algo golpeó su espalda tan fuerte como para hacerlo perder el equilibrio y caer de cara al suelo, cuando pudo girarse para verlo era el mismo lobo al que le había arrebatado de sus fauces su comida, ahora sí estaba claro como marchaba errático solo salto y lo empujó con sus patas, lo miro fijamente y pudo ver su cicatriz a un costado del rostro del piedrazo y sus dientes afilado buscando revancha, le dijo que estaba contento de que así sucediera, de que él pusiera fin a su hondo dolor y se rindió dejándose matar sin dar pelea.

He never heard it coming, he only felt something hit his back so hard that it made him lose his balance and fall on his face to the ground, when he was able to turn around to see it, it was the same wolf that had taken his food from its jaws, now it was clear As he walked erratically, he just jumped and pushed him with his paws, he looked at him fixedly and could see his scar on one side of the stone's face and his sharp teeth looking for revenge, he told him that he was happy that it happened, that he put an end to his deep pain and surrendered, letting himself be killed without a fight.

Y tal vez seamos tan solo eso un giro más de alguna pequeña e intrascendente historia jamás contada, o podemos hacer alarde de que "Si divides sus fuerzas triunfaras" y etcétera, etcétera.

And maybe we're just that one more twist on some inconsequential little story never told, or we can boast that "If you divide their forces you will triumph" and on and on and on.

Pero de lo que si estoy seguro, es que: "No deberíamos dejarnos morir, con nuestros muertos"

But what I am sure of is that: "We should not let ourselves die with our dead"


Great story there @elgringoviejo2, and wow that was a lot of twists in the plot, thanks a lot for sharing and stay awesome.

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