MILAGRO - Relato original [Esp - Eng]
Hay momentos en que solo estamos en las manos de Dios, de nuestro creador sencillamente, porque lo dimos todo y más, pero aun necesitamos el último empujoncito, ese que nos catapulte, hacia el éxito tan buscado, que nos provoque arremeter una vez más con aquello que sentimos es nuestro último aliento, hacía adelante aunque mal nos parezca arrastrándonos.
There are moments when we are only in the hands of God, of our simple creator, because we gave everything and more, but we still need that last push, the one that propels us, towards the success we so desperately seek, that provokes us to attack once again with what we feel is our last breath, moving forward even though it seems bad to us, dragging ourselves.
O cuando estamos desahuciados por todos y aquello que creímos ser se desvanece ante nosotros, dejándonos totalmente vulnerables postrados en la cama de algún hospital hasta con una bata prestada sin poder siquiera con nuestra propia alma y pasar este escollo depende pura y exclusivamente de su decisión.
Or when we are evicted by everyone and what we thought to be fades away before us, leaving us totally vulnerable, lying in bed in some hospital, even with a borrowed gown, unable to even with our own soul, and passing this hurdle depends purely and exclusively on your decision.
Sólo somos meros observadores imaginarios de la película de nuestras vidas donde desfilan una y otra vez nuestros seres más íntimos aquellos que aprendimos amar tanto y por los cuales sentimos que no podemos irnos ni locos.
We are only imaginary observers of the movie of our lives where our most intimate beings parade over and over again, those we have learned to love so much and for whom we feel we cannot go crazy.
Matías es estudiante del último año de medicina, vive con su tía abuela jubilada de la mínima categoría, toda su vida trabajo de empleada en casa de familias limpiando lavando cocinando y planchando toneladas de ropa y con su madre ya fallecida, hacían pan casero y unos tortones saladitos con chicharrones que cocían en el horno de barro que aún se conserva intacto en el patio y por último salían a vender en el canasto de mimbre con dos tapas para que todo se mantuviese calentito e higiénico y así poder pagar la cuota del terreno y levantar la casita, ladrillo por ladrillo, una verdadera luchadora de la vida.
Matías is a medical student in his last year of study, he lives with his retired great-aunt of the minimum category, all his life he worked as a maid in the homes of families, cleaning, cooking, ironing tons of clothes and with his already deceased mother, they made homemade bread and some salty little cakes with pork rinds that they cooked in the clay oven that is still intact in the patio and finally they went out to sell in the wicker basket with two lids so that everything would stay warm and clean and thus be able to pay the land fee and raise the house, brick by brick, a true fighter of life.
Cuando su hermana y esposo fallecieron en un horrible asiente automovilístico no lo dudo, agarro la criatura y la trajo del velatorio para criarla ella solita, nunca se casó por eso que ella dice: De mantener vagos malcriados, hasta que un día sus achaques (enfermedades debido a su avanzada edad) la dejaron fuera de carrera ya no se sentía segura de subirse al micro, (transporte urbano) y se vio forzada a renunciar.
When his sister and husband died in a horrible car accident, he didn't hesitate, he picked up the creature and brought it from the wake to raise it by herself, she never married because of what she says: To keep lazy, unruly men, until one day her ailments (diseases due to her advanced age) left her out of the race, she no longer felt safe getting on the bus, (urban transport) and she was forced to resign.
Ahora se dedica tiempo completo a su casa, sus plantas y su ahijado preferido, como a ella le gusta llamarle al joven (aquel niñito huérfano) se la ve feliz y gozando para sus muchos años, de muy buena salud.
Now she dedicates full time to her house, her plants and her favorite godson, as she likes to call the young man (that orphan boy), she looks happy and enjoying for her many years, in very good health.
A él le encanta llamarla abuelita, es que es tan dulce, que lo consiente en todo, sus comidas predilectas algunos mandados caminando despacio que el joven le comenta no poder hacer, entre su trabajo de canillita (reparto y venta de periódicos, diarios y revistas) y la facultad el tiempo suele escasear, ahí ella se hace cargo con la excusa de que la caminata la sacará de su encierro y le ara bien a su locura, dialogar con alguien que no sean tan solo sus plantas y se sonríen cómplices.
He loves to call her grandma, because she is so sweet, she indulges him in everything, his favorite meals, some errands walking slowly that the young man tells her he cannot do, between his job as a newspaper boy (delivery and sale of newspapers, magazines and magazines) and the faculty, time is usually scarce, there she takes charge with the excuse that the walk will take her out of her confinement and it will be good for her madness, to talk to someone who is not just her plants and they smile complicit.
Siempre que llega de trabajar o la facultad ella le tiene su ropa limpia y ordenadita. Se pasa las horas limpiando cuidando sus plantitas que son sagradas escuchado y cantando música que sale de su radio y cuando le sobra un tiempito se sienta en su mecedora y teje una que otra cosita.
Whenever she comes home from work or school, she has her clothes clean and tidy. She spends hours cleaning, taking care of her sacred plants, listening and singing to music from her radio, and when she has some spare time, she sits in her rocking chair and knits a few things.
El tiempo pasó y en una ronda matutina por las salas del hospital como médico residente pasando por cada una de las camas tomando temperatura escuchando los latidos del corazón tomándole el pulso y el oxígeno en sangré con un oxímetro, fue exactamente ahí que le pasó, el parecía estar totalmente dormido a la primera impresión y cuando le tomo la muñeca para sentir su pulso, él lo tomo y le dijo: ALLUDAME AHORA POR FAVOR, MI VIDA ESTA EN TUS MANOS SOLO EN TUS MANOS.
Time passed, and one morning while making his rounds through the hospital rooms as a resident doctor, checking each patient's temperature, listening to their heartbeat, taking their pulse and blood oxygen with a pulse oximeter, that's exactly when it happened. He seemed to be fast asleep at first glance, and when I took his wrist to feel his pulse, he took mine and said, HELP ME NOW PLEASE, MY LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS, ONLY IN YOUR HANDS.
"Simplemente no podía creerlo era la misma frase que él mil veces dijo", de rodillas en la capilla del pueblo al pie de su cama en reverencia ante la virgen para que intercediera por el ante los ojos del padre y le rogara por ayuda.
"I simply couldn't believe it was the same phrase he had said a thousand times," kneeling in the chapel of the village at the foot of his bed in reverence to the Virgin to intercede for him before the eyes of the father and beg for help.
Mil veces quiso arrojar la toalla (cómo en el boxeo, la arrojan para detener el sufrimiento y rendirse, declararse perdedor) en la lucha por su vida y ni hablar de sus estudios, si no hubiera sido por qué Jehová escucho sus súplicas, hoy no estaría parado aquí al costado de esa cama velando por la vida de alguien más.
A thousand times he wanted to throw in the towel (like in boxing, when they throw it in to stop the suffering and give up, declare themselves losers) in the fight for his life and, not to mention, his studies. If it hadn't been for Jehovah hearing his prayers, he wouldn't be standing here today next to that bed, watching over someone else's life.
Ese apretón de su brazo y esa "frase" dicha en susurro con la vos quebrada, cómo la súplica de un moribundo queriendo aferrarse a la vida, esa que el sentía tan suya dicha por ese hombre, fueron el disparador, el detonador para que empezará a trabajar en su caso y si existía una mínima posibilidad de que se salvará, él la encontraría.
That squeeze of his arm and that "phrase" whispered in a broken voice, like the plea of a dying man wanting to cling to life, that one he felt so much his own, said by that man, were the trigger, the detonator for him to start working on his case. If there was the slightest possibility that he could be saved, he would find it.
Reviso todo lo echó hasta el momento y busco obsesionadamente día y noche la causa del mal que aquejaba a ese paciente en particular y después de más de un mes de idas y vueltas la encontró y pudo revertir la situación.
He reviewed everything that had been done so far and obsessively searched day and night for the cause of the illness that was afflicting that particular patient. And after more than a month of ups and downs, he found it and was able to reverse the situation.
Siempre cuenta la felicidad de haberlos visto irse del hospital al colgado del cuello de su esposa y de su hijo barón, del fuego que lo quemaba por dentro cuándo intentaba salvarle la vida, sentía como si Dios lo hubiera puesto ahí como si sus manos fueran las de él y una vos dentro suyo que le decía: “No lo abandones, yo nunca te deje a ti".
He always tells the story of how happy he was to see them leave the hospital, hanging on the neck of his wife and son. Of the fire that burned inside him when he tried to save their lives, he felt as if God had put him there, as if his hands were God's, and a voice inside him saying, "Don't give up on him, I never gave up on you."
Tanto espacio tanto mundo tanta gente y venir a coincidir acá y ahora, después aseguran que Dios no habrá milagros y quieren dejarlo como si esto fuese una cuestión de suerte.
So much space, so much world, so many people, and to come across each other here and now. After that, they say that God doesn't work miracles and they want to leave it as if this were a matter of luck.
Vamos que la vida continúa para unos y para otros con la simpleza de un nuevo amanecer...
Life goes on for some and for others with the simplicity of a new dawn...
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.
Credit: jacobtothe
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