La historia de Mr Dependable/ Risingstar


hola amigos de Risingstar

El día de hoy les quiero compartir una historia de un concurso de Risingstar que vi, y quería participar, es mi primera vez en participar en este concurso y ami me gusta mucho crear historias, pero el día de hoy les quiero compartir esta historia que les gustara mucho, bueno empezamos con la historia.


La historia de Mr Dependable

el chico del canto

En los años 80 avía un chico que cantaba junto a su furgoneta, en estos años era muy famoso el rock y la música country, estas canciones la escuchaban mucho los jóvenes para distraerse un poco, pero avía un chico que no escucha estas canciones si no el mismo la cantaba y creaba sus propios discos.


Este chico se llamaba mark zuckerberg, pero su nombre artístico era Mr Dependable él iba en su furgoneta blanca y viajaba por todo el mundo, su furgoneta era lo único que le quedaba porque cunado, él era pequeño, su casa se encendió en fuego y desde ese momento su vida cambio por completo porque su padre se avía ido del estado de Texas porque vivían en pobreza su madre y el chico hasta que le ofrecieron una oferta de un artista muy reconocido.


Pero Mr Dependable le aceptó su oferta y le dijo ¿pero qué me vas a dar? El artista no le quería hacer nada malo, solo quería darle un golpe de suerte a Mr Dependable y a su familia, el chico fue a contar a su mamá la oferta que le avía aceptado, él estaba muy emocionado de su logro como músico, él fue a sacar su furgoneta del garaje tenía un poco de polvo, pero él se fue de jira por el mundo y vivía en su camioneta e iba cantando y contándole los logros de su carrera musical

Pero aquí no acaba su historia después de unos años, él ya tenía mucha fama y una banda conformada por Mr Dependable este chico se ISO muy famoso y era el rey de las músicas de esa época, después de meses ya su banda se llamaba Risingstar el chico estaba feliz de todos los logros que alcanzó él tenía un solo sueño que era volver a su pueblo natal después de una semana tuvo que ir de jira, él tuvo un concierto grandísimo su madre se sentía muy orgullosa.

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él tenía una pequeña perrita que se llamaba princesa, esta perrita iba junto a su furgoneta de jira por el mundo entero, ellos tres contra el mundo, su banda cada vez era más famosa y ganaban demasiado dinero, un día recibió una llamada inesperada donde su suerte cambiaria por todo

En esa época utilizaba el chico una furgoneta blanca, él era un chico tranquilo y sé ISO famoso en cuestión de tiempo, después de unos días volvió el chico que lo volvió famoso y ahora era el mánager de Mr Dependable y heran los mejores cantantes de esa época andaban de norte a sur por todos los lugares del mundo y fin de la historia.

Espero que les allá gustado esta pequeña historia de Mr Dependable me gusto mucho este relato así que gracias por leer Adiós, amigos de hive


Hello Risingstar friends

Today I want to share with you a story of a Risingstar contest that I saw, and I wanted to participate, it is my first time to participate in this contest and I really like to create stories, but today I want to share with you this story that you will like a lot, well let's start with the story.


The story of Mr Dependable

the singing boy

In the 80's there was a boy who sang with his van, in these years was very famous rock and country music, these songs were listened a lot by young people to distract a little, but there was a boy who does not listen to these songs if not the same sang and created their own records.


This boy's name was mark zuckerberg, but his stage name was Mr. Dependable, he used to go in his white van and travel around the world, his van was the only thing he had left because when he was little, his house caught fire and from that moment his life changed completely because his father had left the state of Texas because his mother and the boy were living in poverty until he was offered an offer from a very well known artist.


But Mr Dependable took him up on his offer and said, "What are you going to give me? The artist didn't want to do anything bad, he just wanted to give Mr Dependable and his family a stroke of luck, the boy went to tell his mom about the offer he had accepted, he was very excited about his achievement as a musician, he went to take his van out of the garage it was a little dusty, but he went on a tour around the world and lived in his van and went singing and telling her about the achievements of his musical career.

But this is not the end of his story after a few years, he already had a lot of fame and a band formed by Mr. Dependable this boy became very famous and was the king of the music of that time, after months his band was called Risingstar the boy was happy of all his achievements he had only one dream which was to return to his hometown after a week he had to go on tour, he had a great concert his mother was very proud of him.

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he had a little dog called princess, this dog was going with his van touring around the world, the three of them against the world, his band was becoming more and more famous and they were earning too much money, one day he received an unexpected call where his luck would change for everything.

At that time the boy used a white van, he was a quiet boy and was ISO famous in a matter of time, after a few days the boy who made him famous came back and now he was the manager of Mr. Dependable and they were the best singers of that time they went from north to south all over the world and end of the story.

I hope you liked this little story of Mr Dependable I really liked this story so thanks for reading Goodbye, friends of hive.


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