My entry to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #194. [En-Es] Lets vote
1️⃣ What is the biggest risk you should take in life for yourself right now and what is the smallest risk you feel around you? Imagine a big risk like losing everything, whether it be physical possessions or the loss of a loved one, which puts you in a risky situation. The lowest risk might be learning something new that can push you forward in life, art, photography, and music, which you would feel comfortable doing.
1️⃣ ¿Cuál es el gran riesgo que debes tomar en la vida para ti en este momento y cuál es el menor riesgo que sientes a tu alrededor? Imagine un gran riesgo como perderlo todo, ya sean bienes físicos o la pérdida de un ser querido, lo que lo coloca en una situación de riesgo. El menor riesgo podría ser aprender algo nuevo que pueda impulsarlo a seguir adelante en la vida, el arte, la fotografía y la música, con lo que se sentiría cómodo haciendo.
Never before had I had the courage to attend a pre-election event with massive attendance, a march or political rally.
Nunca antes había tenido el valor de asistir a un evento preelectoral con asistencia masiva, a una marcha o mitin político.
Days ago, as a result of propaganda and driven by discontent with the impoverished situation in the country, I attended a massive public event for the first time.
Hace días, producto de la propaganda y llevada por el descontento ante la situación empobrecida del país, asistí a un evento multitudinario público por primera vez.
I walked a distance of about 5 kilometers to reach the place where the favorite presidential candidates had summoned us.
Caminé una distancia de cerca de 5 kilómetros para llegar al lugar donde los candidatos a la presidencia favoritos nos habían citado.
Things did not go exactly as planned because the authorities were in charge of hindering the celebration in every possible way. Even so, we managed to see the leaders and feel the joy of feeling that there is still hope.
No sé dió todo exactamente como se había planeado pues las autoridades se encargaron de obstaculizar la celebración por todas las vías posibles. Aún así logramos ver a los líderes y contagiarnos de alegría de sentir que aún hay esperanzas.
Taking into account what has been experienced by so many people who have demonstrated in rebellion against the government in these more than 20 years, I believe that my husband and I put ourselves at risk, as do all those who have heeded and continue to heed the call for change.
Tomando en cuenta lo vivido por tantas personas que se han manifestado en rebeldía contra el gobierno en estos más de 20 años, creo que mi esposo y yo nos pusimos en riesgo, al igual que todos los que han atendido y siguen atendiendo al llamado de cambio.
Our children and other family members were surprised to learn that we had attended and I recognized that they were right to worry.
Nuestros hijos y otros familiares se sorprendieron al saber que habíamos asistido y reconocí que tuvieron razón de preocuparse.
What drove us to do so has been in large part boredom and, in other parts, the certainty that the path the regime is taking us on can deteriorate us even more economically and socially.
Lo que nos impulso a hacerlo en buena parte han sido el hastío y, en otrs parte, la certeza de que el camino por donde nos lleva el régimen puede deteriorarnos aún mas economica y socialmente.
After voting, we are invited to remain at the voting center until the scrutiny to ensure that there is no fraud.
Después de votar estamos invitados a mantenernos en el centro de votación hasta los escrutinios para vigilar que no se haga fraude.
I still don't know if I will do it, but if I did we would put ourselves at greater risk of falling into violence.
Aún no sé si lo haga, pero de hacerlo nos pondriamos más en riesgo de caer en violencia.
I decided to share these photos after thinking about it carefully because I have always been cautious and avoided expressing political opinions or ideologies online.
Decidí compartir estás fotos después de pensarlo bien pues siempre he sido cautelosa y evitado manifestar opiniones o ideologías políticas por internet.
I think that in a true democracy it could be done.
Creo que en una verdadera democracia se podría.
We returned home satisfied that we had taken risks supporting a just cause.
Volvímos a casa satisfechos de haber asumido riesgos apoyando una causa justa.
2️⃣ How do you feel when you are alone responding to your thoughts? Possibly you shared things in the past with your mother, grandmother or sister (someone who is no longer with you), do you turn to them to ask what they would say if they were with you today? Please share those inner thoughts and fears that you carry in your heart.
2️⃣¿Cómo te sientes cuando estás solo respondiendo a tus pensamientos? Posiblemente compartiste cosas en el pasado con tu madre, abuela o hermana (alguien que ahora ya no está contigo), ¿te diriges a ellos para preguntarles qué dirían si estuvieran contigo hoy? Por favor comparte esos pensamientos internos y miedos que llevas en tu corazón.
I prefer to ask God in prayer when I have a question or need direction.
Prefiero preguntarle a Dios en oración cuando tengo alguna duda o necesito dirección.
All photos were taken by me, with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 A smartphone.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi, con mi teléfono inteligente Redmi 9 A de Xiaomi.
Thank you very much for reading me.
Muchas gracias por leerme.
Imagen hecha con Canva.
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.
There is certainly a danger to participate in a demonstration standing against terrible governmental policies, and find ourselves face to face against the government's socialist radicals who are reputed to use violence to achieve their agenda. Yes we have such misguided undemocratic thugs in my country of Canada. I give you my admiration in exercising your rights peacefully @elentogether
I didn't know that this also happened in Canada. I have the idea that yours is the ideal country to live in. Many of my countrymen have gone there looking for better opportunities and I myself once considered that possibility.
Thank you so much friend.
Thank You!
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tokens.@elentogether, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
Hola amiga, fue toda una aventura tu asistencia a este evento, gracias a Dios no hubieron disturbios como se han visto en otras ocasiones, Dios ayude a Venezuela, esperemos lo mejor para las próximas elecciones electorales.
Bendiciones para ti 🙏🏻
Amén amiga, bendiciones para tí también. Cuídate mucho.
Going into crowded venues I always feel great risk, sometimes necessary to stand with the people, together we can make change happen.
Yes, true unity has been needed here. That is why it has been difficult for the opposition to confront injustices. Let's hope to God that in the future it will be possible. 🙏
Many working hard to bring sanity, common sense back into the world again.
Yes, may God bless and keep them 🙏
🌞 Happy New Week.
Happy start of the week 🙂