Kaltain Future Dream.



I live in a world, where I question the purpose of everything and why I have to behave a certain way as I go by. What is the purpose of my life here? Why am I even here exactly? What do I have to give or do to make my time here worthwhile? Why do I even have to do anything at all? Sometimes life hits me as some repetitive cycle that I have to partake in to get by. But why really?

These questions and more, my mind throws at me every chance it gets. I guess some of these questions I might never get the answer to but I promise myself to live a life I would be proud of. So even if it is all some cosmic big joke at least i would have my laugh.

I am Kaltain and i have a dream, i must have said this out loud because John is asking “what must that dream be?” I sigh, not willing to share and say “i will know when i start living it”. John looks at me like I am crazy and just says “Do not forget to write the report on the just concluded vulnerability assessment”. I plastered a big smile on my face “Of course i won't forget, we are to present it to Zade tomorrow”. John does not say anything again and walks back to the office. I stay on the bench a few more minutes staring at people as they walk by, some gisting with their pals and others just moving files in hand, then I look at my watch and realize lunch break is over by 10 minutes already and quickly make my way inside.

I sit at my desk and proceed to complete the report, highlighting the vulnerable ports that need to be made unaccessible to those outside the network. I send it to John to take a look and before closing hours he suddenly walks up to me with a serious expression and say “I hope you find your dream”.

After my day at work, I head home. Popcorn in a bowl and wine in my glass. I continue to ponder my purpose here. And I say out loud “I just want to do something that matters to my soul, help people”. After I empty my bowl of popcorn and feed my cat some milk i head to bed but before I sleep I go through my mail and see that I have been accepted in the hacktosave catch the flag event I chuckle all giddy that I get to participate until I notice the other words written in small fonts.

Join now or be removed from the list, find the secret folder and proceed with the instructions. Only those who find it will be accepted.

“But it's past 2am why would they put it so early when people could be asleep”, i say to no one. Not feeling sleepy I get my laptop and securely connect to the IP address. I searched around for the file and it took me a while but I found it. I read everything it contained and I smiled, this time it was a real smile. I have been accepted into a secret organization whose sole purpose was to fight against crime and bad government helping those who are oppressed. I felt it in my bones then, this was what I wanted, this is a dream worth living for.

“This is a good thing” I said to myself and suddenly my future no longer terrified me.

The End!

Thanks for Reading

Inspired by the latest prompt terrified to participate read here


This is an interesting take on terrified, however it would be even better with some additional character descriptions. We do not get to know much about who John is, or what he means to the main character here. Additionally, we highly recommend utilizing google documents to draft your stories, as it will help to catch errors by highlighting them for you to fix. We hope this helps! Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for your engagement with other members of the community!


I use google docs to edit but I will do better to keep a keen eye to detect the highlights.

Thank you for your encouragement and helpful tips.
