RE: National Museum Of Education - Dordrecht

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Hivewatchers is a burden to the chain who scares off users by the thousands destroying value to the chain. They'll lie however they desire to bilk the dhf of its funds pretending to do a job that we are paying the front ends to do and that other users can do for free. The front ends don't really need the dao funds either; It is just easier to take from the dao funds than to compete for beneficiary rewards as a condition to display a post. Core development aside, there should be no dao at all; @blocktrades should be doing more to protect the funds from such obvious fraud, instead of facilitating it.

I have developed unique projects for the chain, including the first block chain archiver), and a shell of a frontend for the project's owner to carry it forward. Some governments have paid university researches hundreds of thousands of pounds to find similar solutions over the course of 18 months (i am not sure if they did find a solution), I developed a functional site for free in less time-not taking any pay-then had to port it to hive from steem. I extended this concept to include monitoring the Georgia Election after the monumental fraud in 2020; again I did this for free as a public service ( ) expecting no rewards, but seeing the upside in a larger use case of hive itself. Moreso if there were controversy again this year, as past conduct is the best predictor of future conduct, in Georgia, this could have really put hive on the map. A coder should be motivated by learning, his passion to code, or a desire to bring value to the marketplace. What we see with the dao system is a complete s___show of unmitigated abuse which is the greatest evidence against the claim that hive is decentralized. my projects were not spam as they libelously aver, but these commie faggots are against election integrity and new use cases for hive that has huge upside potential. Ig there was fraid in the 2024 election, and the project was able to capture it, then with just one message to one of the election attorneys, a political party, or an election reporter, and bam instant international news for months, and likely inspiring countless others, including then well funded, to start development on hive. [Guiltyparties of] Hivewatchers are the same fags behind the valueplan marketing scam that is riddled with fraud, commingling of funds, and uselessness (see in general) with no receipts ; so bad even peakd's own AI gives it a failing grade ( ) and gives it multiple red flags for fraud. They aren't capable of carrying out a marketing plan or bring value, investors, users, or developers to the chain; they are involved in chronyism for selfgain and power and they are able to obliverate dissent. Most users that might happened to be onboarded, if at all, will likely be kicked off by the same people; Developers or others who see hive for data will say f__ this.
Even @theycallmedan recently realizes the future of hive is in data as he thinks hive could be used for AI as a corpus, because hive as social media is kind of dead-2.5 million accounts made and hivewatchers chased off many of those to where it is estimated we have less than 8k posting accounts. It takes a huge amount of hive as an investment for the RCs to use the chain for data, and the chain was even made for data with a custom binary operation.

Hivewatchers, which is motivated for money and power, is the chain's biggest spammer and demands some $36k/year (for what @themarkymark does for free anyways), as they seek to keep hive tethered as a dead social media platform that they get to police and abuse; absolute power has corrupted them, and they kill real opportunity. These abuse extends to including doxxing users, and lying to users, and bullying them off of the chain, and when they use their bots for personal use, in violation of their doa proposal, it constitutes the criminal offense of wire fraud, for which their supporters, like yourself, are facilitating. They'll even make up rules as they go, ignorant of the features built in features. Guilty by accusation; they are unable and unwilling to make a proper indictment or case, and they hate it when you call out their bulls___. They'll even lie about other platforms, even claiming that it cost money to post on X-which is an obvious lie. I called them out for their lies, and ultimately it is sunlight that they find so offensive. They then proceeded to give a full downvote to anything I previously posted ( ) that were still in the 7 day window, even comments to update posts I made years ago ( ) ultimately proving my point for what they've done to so many others; they wanted to zero my reputation and disappear me because I called them out for their lies, effectively disappearing me and my accurate criticism of them off the chain, just like they do other users. But other users do not bite back, as you have become aware of. As you said, "move on, be better, and be smarter." Seems I did just that, and you protest. You don't, however, say the same for hivewatchers.

Yet these commie faggots come here claiming that I bullied and trolled other users, it is the classic saul alynski, communist, rules for radicals" scheme, to accuse others of things they themselves are doing. Notice they can show no evidence, no screenshots, no links, no nothing; That is because all they are, and all they have ever been, is a parasite pretending there is some kind of symbiotic relationship. They need to be eradicated before they kill the host.

When you consider that after curation rewards, the only amount of bullying they might accuse me of, which is a response to hivewatchers own bad conduct, is that my downvote costs one of their supporters a penny or two, but offer them a path to upvotes of twice that amount in the future. Contrast them whom completely demonetizing and blacklisting their victims to the point where they quit the chain, destroying network value.

It would of course be nice if a whale would take notice, and decide to join the downvoting curation trail and purge the chain of this cancer once and for all.
