Kindness Is Not An Old Word
The word kindness is gradually becoming a thing of the past in this generation, everyone is just after what will be enough for himself and a times his family.
It is so important for children to know that to be kind is not limited to only themselves and this will help them in this time. Most times Egbre returns from school and tell me that he shared his food with his class mate. Within, I am so happy because as little as he is he understands that it good to share with someone what we have.
There is this song I taught them, sharing is caring and it is fun to do so. When he grows with that mindset it will help him in no little way. Teach them to let go of their fine clothes to that friend who just have one.
Eph.4.32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
This scripture just summarized my thoughts. Christ is a typical example who what true givinis all about. Giving to someone who has the ability to give you back. That kind of giving does not give glory to God at all