Lluvia/ Rain


La lluvia se lo llevó todo. Acá usted lo puede ver. Queda solo barro y paredes. Hasta el techo desapareció. Usted viera la ventisca, cómo se elevaron esas latas por el cielo, y la lluvia cayendo, sí, señor.


Pero qué puede hacer uno, dígame usted, aquí estamos tratando de recuperar algunos Corotos, lo poquito que queda. La cocina y la nevera quien sabe si sirven. La bombona menos mal que estaba amarrada, si no, imagínese usted, nos quedamos sin gas. Aunque igualito no podemos cocinar nada.

¿Para qué irnos? ¿Para que se lleven lo poquito que nos queda? Mire lo que le pasó a Pancho. Lo dejaron sin nada, nadita. Acá hay algunos que buscan a sus familiares. Gracias a Dios nosotros estamos completicos, pero el esposo de doña Carmela nada que lo encuentran, ya llevan días buscándolo, y es que... Mire, nosotros vimos cómo se lo llevaba la corriente, él trataba de agarrarse de cualquier cosa y todos gritando de dolor y desesperación. Y ahí está la doña y sus hijos y todos llorándolo.

¿Sabe qué es lo que me da más impotencia? Que aquí vienen, enflusados y con mucha gente que lo que vienen es a estorbar, no hacen ni dejan hacer. Se ponen a tomar fotos, y los que vienen mi siquiera nos miran. Luego andan diciendo que nos dieron yo no sé qué cosas porque la verdad no he visto que hagan algo por nosotros.


El agua sigue brava, señora, qué quiere que le diga. Pero yo no me quiero ir. Estas son mis cosas, lo poquito que me queda, lo que con tanto esfuerzo logré comprar, y vino el agua, señora, vino, y se lo llevó todo, pero ¿sabe qué? Yo no pierdo la esperanza de que algún día dejará de llover.


The rain washed it all away. Here you can see it. There is only mud and walls left. Even the roof is gone. You could see the blizzard, how those cans went up in the sky, and the rain falling, yes, sir.


But what can one do, you tell me, here we are trying to recover some stuff, what little is left. The stove and the refrigerator, who knows if they are any good. It's a good thing the gas cylinder was tied up, otherwise, imagine, we would run out of gas. We can't cook anything anyway.

Why leave? So they can take what little we have left? Look what happened to Pancho. They left him with nothing, nothing at all. Here there are some who are looking for their relatives. Thank God we are complete, but they haven't found Doña Carmela's husband, they have been looking for him for days, and.... Look, we saw how he was carried away by the current, he was trying to hold on to anything and everyone was screaming in pain and desperation. And there is the lady and her children and everyone crying for him.

Do you know what makes me most helpless? That here they come, dressing up and with a lot of people who come to get in the way, they don't do anything and they don't let anyone do anything. They take pictures, and those who come don't even look at us. Then they go around saying that they gave us I don't know what, because they gave us I don't know what, because they don't even look at us.


The water is still rough, ma'am, what can I say. But I don't want to leave. These are my things, what little I have left, what I managed to buy with so much effort, and the water came, ma'am, it came, and took it all away, but you know what? I don't lose hope that someday it will stop raining.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
