WEB2 Disruption has been MASSIVELY accelerated by AI & Friends



Slow, and then all at once.

Alright so I was reading this post by @acidyo the other day and I was thinking to myself wow I really need to stitch this into one of my own posts because it's perfectly on brand for certain themes I've brought up in the past.

Some notable quotes are as follows:

In a TIL kind of way, it seems to boil down to a mix of, copy what Twitter did to avoid costs from those feeding off of Reddit data such as the rise of AI using it to become better at what they do along with monetizing themselves.

Starting stronk with a good thesis.

This is something I've talked about indirectly several times now in various posts that I've written over the years. The idea being that WEB2 is an ever-so-slowly failing business model. The diminishing returns of providing free service in exchange for data can now be felt not only globally but also within an infinitely vast digital realm.

At this point I find it a bit comical that so many people just sit in their echo chamber talking shit about Elon Musk and how he's running Twitter into the ground. If Elon Musk is such a shitty guardian for the Twitter ecosystem then why are well-entrenched WEB2 ecosystems like Facebook and Reddit keep shamelessly copying his ideas? Don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of Musk but we really have to think logically on this one.

Yes, it is true.

The idea to transition to paid service is a TERRIBLE idea. It's a devolution from WEB2 back to WEB1 antics. $8 for a blue checkmark? It's fucking stupid. So we have to ask ourselves why Zuckerturd was so eagerly willing to copy the idea. The concept of limiting how much bandwidth an account can fetch from the API is also a TERRIBLE idea. So again, why is Reddit copying the idea?


Essentially anytime I feel like discussing the topic of bandwidth and scaling up this issue will inevitably present itself. It's a core fundamental piece of the puzzle that crypto needs to solve. This is why I get so excited for lesser known networks like Hive that are at the front of the line (but admittedly still have a ton of work to do).

The reason why Twitter and Reddit and Facebook and everyone else are making these radical changes to their systems (that have been working fine for many years) is that they are being disrupted right underneath our noses, and even most people in crypto don't seem to acknowledge what is happening.

Imagine that.

We get exposed to the cliché idea of 'disruption' every time some some shitcoin launches and markets itself as such, but when real disruption starts bitchslapping the Goliaths in the tech industry no one even seems to notice.

Long story short:

The reason why WEB2 services have to implement these new strategies to stay relevant is that they don't have any other options. Yes, the ideas are bad. Terrible even. Doesn't matter. The rock is easier to move than the hard-place. The rock (sustainable WEB2 business practices) is a known entity, while the hard-place (WEB3 and AI disruption) is largely unknown and getting bigger by the month. Easier to make a deal with the devil one knows.


One of the worst things about the restricted API access according to moderators of Reddit seems to be that it restricts most the helpful bots from operating.

Yep... exactly.

Discord is pulling the exact same bullshit. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater and neutering hundreds if not thousands of legitimate and useful bots because they are getting rampaged by API requests. So what's the solution?

It's the solution I've been talking about for years now.

In fact all these tech bros seem to know exactly what needs to happen. That's the crazy part. The solution actually is charging for service, which is why I find it so comical that so many people on Hive think we need to be offering free service in order to stay competitive with WEB2.

The reality of the situation is exactly the opposite.

WEB3 needs to provide paid services to force WEB2 to compete with us. Guess who's going to win that battle? Of course this requires more explanation considering how batshit insane it sounds on the surface. It's a completely new unexplored frontier that makes little sense to us in the present. Once it's in full swing we'll wonder how the world ever operated in a different way. The paradigm has reached the exponential phase of its evolution/transition.

To reiterate, all WEB2 agents already know what needs to be done. We don't even have to ask them or speculate on the matter; we can see it with the actions they perform. Providing free services are no longer an option. Devs are using AI and other methods of data-farming to not only perform what is essentially a DDoS attack, but is actually a PROFITABLE and SUSTAINABLE DDoS attack. That's BAD BAD BAD news for WEB2 and spectacular news for WEB3.

Allow me to explain more.

Using AI and free bandwidth API connections any dev anywhere in the world can scrape data from the nodes and organize that data in such a way that has real monetary value. That's terrible for WEB2 as it means these companies are not only footing the bill for the free bandwidth they are providing to the world, but also the leeches are actually profiting from it. These attacks can only get worse as time goes on.

Normally when you want to DDoS attack a network you're going to have to foot the bill to do so. The attack itself is unprofitable and the only thing to be gained is that it bogs down or halts the network being attacked (assuming that is a gain to the agent performing the attack... such as a rival company via corporate espionage).

Now imagine that this type of espionage could suddenly become profitable.

Imagine if Twitter could suddenly scrape all the data from Facebook and then filter all that data through an AI algorithm that would allow Twitter to make money off of Facebook on Facebook's dime. These are the kinds of things that are going on in the background because of the advancements in deep learning and whatever else. Free services are now being exploited to the maximum, and WEB2 is scrambling hard to mitigate the damages. Good luck with that WEB2, ya gonna need it.

WEB2 is not equipped to handle this problem.

It's funny because WEB2 has identified the problem and knows exactly what the solution is, but they can't implement the solution because the solution runs completely contrary to the entire WEB2 business model. WEB3 on the other hand is fully equipped to deal with this problem (although we haven't even come close to building the required infrastructure).

What infrastructure is required to win this battle?

Well, as it stands now, WEB3 and crypto only charge money to the end-user if the user wants to WRITE to the database. We all understand this quite well. Send a transaction on the Bitcoin network and it will exist on the blockchain until the end of time. Same goes for Hive. In theory I write this post and the network should save it on the chain as long as there is at least one node running somewhere in the world.

It's quite obvious that the infrastructure that needs to come into play is paying for the ability to READ the blockchain as well. Networks like Bitcoin are woefully incomplete in this regard. Not only can anyone access a Bitcoin node for free and fetch information from it at no cost, but also the nodes themselves are not even monetized. It is expected that the Bitcoin community will run Bitcoin nodes out of the goodness of their hearts until the end of time and that everyone is going to be running a node and we can all sing Kumbaya together into the sunset.

That is simply not how the world works. Bitcoin will not scale in this direction and is essentially fated to become a centralized network that once again revolves around data collection and the monetization of that data. All of this stems from a blatant lack of incentives. Look no farther than @theycallmedan and @starkerz for more in-depth conversation on this exact topic. Hell, they're even writing a full fledged book on it.

Networks like Hive are way ahead of the game.

As much as I hate to toot my own horn with a topic as important as this one, let's just say that networks that actually pay the node-runners DIRECTLY with emissions are obviously in a much better position to scale up. We can control our ability to scale and still ensure that at least 20 entities will have massive servers ready to handle bandwidth and API requests should we gain mainstream adoption. A network like Bitcoin cannot guarantee such things, which is why they so blatantly shill things like the Lightning Network that are also clearly doomed to centralization, censorship, and data-mining.

The problem with Hive is that once again there is no way to charge the end-user for read-only bandwidth. It simply doesn't make any sense given our current way of doing things. Luckily, unlike Bitcoin, we'll be able to transition to such a system without the need for a hardfork or anything like that. Again we just need to setup the infrastructure so that the model makes sense without crippling the ability for end-users to actually navigate the system.

Normally the model for micro-charging products like this would be completely dead-on-arrival. Regular users simply will not agree to pay a fee for basic services that are expected to be free (no matter how small that fee is). How many people actually pay for a Discord Nitro account? Those subscriptions are not cheap. $10 a month for a service that most people don't need and can get for free with the basic version? Make it make sense.

Luckily with crypto it absolutely does make sense.

Not only in terms of payment and accounts but also in terms of data monetization. For example, on a WEB2 app like Twitter how would you even pay for service? Let me check right now.


How unsurprising!

The default method of payment for such things is a credit card. This has a lot of implications that often go unnoticed. Not only does one need access to a bank... they also have to have a credit score worthy of getting the card on top of being implicitly KYCed into the system.

Crypto and WEB3 have none of these hurdles to contend with. These walls are non-existent. All WEB3 platforms have the bank accounts baked into the cake along with the currency being used. On top of that stake/reputation can be earned directly without any initial investment. It's a completely different ecosystem that 100% can not be copied by WEB2 in any fashion, even though this is absolutely required to save WEB2 from the disruption we are seeing and inevitable extinction. Quite simply WEB2 can not be saved from itself, and the advent of AI has sped up the timelines from a snail's pace to rocket-powered. It's quite the sight to behold.

Paid to _____

However, the even more important factor in all of this is that users can earn more money than they have to pay within a WEB3 ecosystem. Yes, on Hive you might have to pay an RC cost to read or write data to/from the chain. However, the value of what the end-user actually does with that data is greater than the cost to acquire it. In fact, the value of this post is essentially guaranteed to have infinity more value than the RC cost because, as it stands now, Hive has plenty of bandwidth and the value of RCs currently rounds down to zero. The payout of this post divided by zero is a ratio of infinity. This will not always be the case, but at the moment it absolutely is.

Apparently, he's also known for using his moderating powers to his advantage to silence and ban users from subreddits he's in charge of along with being known for reposting content often or deleting if they don't do too well to then re-upload it later.


One final quote from @acidyo's post underpins the classic themes of centralization and corruption within WEB2. I've already rambled way too long so I won't continue my analysis to this effect, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention it at all. At the end of the day WEB2 simply cannot compete with WEB3, and it is only a matter of time before WEB3 has the open-source cloneable infrastructure and templates to stomp WEB2 into the mud where it belongs.



Listen to Elon Musk talk about WEB3 without even realizing it.
I wonder if he'll ever realize that crypto is the answer.
I doubt it considering his entire life-experience runs contrary to it.
But maybe one day once the proper templates reveal themselves.

6000 accounts

It's also important to point out that I was supposed to make a post celebrating my 6000+ account tokens on Hive. This post is the perfect time to do it. Accounts on networks like Hive will be an extremely valuable commodity once the tipping point is reached, and no one can convince me otherwise. Ten years down the road it will be unthinkable that frontends on Hive would just give accounts away for free for nothing in return (circling back to the idea that Hive accounts are NFTs that can be issued on credit without the need for KYC).



This topic is simply too vast and I can't say everything that needs to be said within a single discussion. Long story short crypto needs to pivot to a model that will not only charge the end-user to WRITE to the database but also one that charges the end-user to READ the database as well (aka API requests). Premium service and access to nodes that can't be overrun with API requests will obviously be a thing going forward. There will be private, semi-private, and public solutions that tackle this problem going forward. The key in the end that distinguishes Hive from most other networks is that we've been yield farming our bandwidth long before yield farming was even the narrative of the 2021 bull market cycle.

As crazy as it sounds, the future of WEB3 is charging users for service. The trick is offering good-actors a reward for their good behavior that not only completely displaces the cost of pulling/pushing data from/to the chain but is actually profitable to the end-user on the average.

At the same time bad-actors must be punished by removing all financial incentives to do business. Hive does a fantastic job of this already with the whole upvote/downvote system, even if it is a bit archaic, highly subjective, political, and prone to extreme drama. We just need to flush out the system a little bit more to make it scale into a future that WEB2 could never hope to survive.

Don't forget, WEB2 knows the answer to the problems of offering free service and are trying to implement the solution, but they'll never be able to pull it off. WEB3 is the way. It is the only business model that makes sense going forward into a world dominated by data-collection and its analysis.


I envision a day where the Resource Credits will also count towards the read commands. Loading a post? You need resource credits. I think that's not an overly horrendous way to go about it, honestly. Implementing RC for the write commands has been a great improvement to reduce some junk but it will take a step up when the day comes where they will be used for the reading as well.

We're on the bleeding edge of some of this stuff for sure and it's both exhilarating as well as unnerving. I guess we're too used to the web2 stuff where we are the product to think of having to pay a little bit for a service like reading a post. When we end up like the Monaco of the web3 groups though, it will make sense!


Basically this exactly.

Getting the data just to look at comments is an API request.
Where should you get that data from?
If you want it instantly and from a trusted source then you should be delegating a tiny amount of RCs to a node you trust as payment for this service. Once the delegation is setup you probably won't even ever have to think about it again is it recharges itself and probably won't ever run out.

If you don't need the data quickly and accuracy/security isn't a high priority it could be downloaded from some other random user or perhaps even from a dynamically streamed P2P torrent. We are going to see some pretty crazy stuff over the next ten years as this stuff actually scales up and people realize that bandwidth isn't actually free. Someone has to pay for it no matter what. WEB2 dictates the centralized agent needs to pay for it... but WEB3 has no centralized agent which puts us in the perfect position to undercut WEB2 and beat them at their own game.


I've already rambled way too long so I won't continue my analysis to this effect, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention it at all. At the end of the day WEB2 simply cannot compete with WEB3, and it is only a matter of time before WEB3 has the open-source cloneable infrastructure and templates to stomp WEB2 into the mud where it belongs.

This post was hardly a ramble. The intricacies of this topic make extensive explaining as inevitable as the switch from WEB2 to WEB3 currently looks.

The cloneable infrastructure raises another concern for Hive.

What's to stop big tech from simply cloning our infrastructure and onboarding the masses to their copycat blockchain(s)? Nothing as far as I can see, and can Hive really compete with this level of power introducing itself as something new to the masses, which they will surely believe and most will not have the capacity to comprehend how the system works or question anything critically enough to come over here and support this network for being first in line.

It's kind of a depressing thought.
Please tell me I'm missing something here with the logic, it would make me feel better.

Great post, it's a really important topic on so many levels.


It's not really a great post and it sucks beyond any scope of reality. The number one point that sticks out is if they were to go there than let's find a way to first cancel the multiple avatars of accounts who make up their own comment base for profit. You want to talk about bad actors lets start there. If people can monetize their own accounts for their own benefit that works against any new paying on boarders, I mean really why would you want to give your own money away when you can have it to yourself. It's not the way the system is suppose to be set up to work but that's the way it works. Ain't nobody coming over here to pay to read comments, why should they they can go to a million other places and read them for free. Anyway I could go on forever ranting on about this place so I'll just cut to the original chase of it all....

That being that granting the power to control API is a forward mechanism of censorship. We ain't heard form the blogger out of France since Macron put out a call to shut down social media because he said it was instigating the situation. That's why Musk called it a "temporary" move. But you don't think FB hasn't been doing this for quite some time, for so long now that they can go into the sites here and shut down access to the pages giving out data on what's taking place in real time in your community. There's a reason they encrypted police scanners and they don't want anyone finding ways around that by actively putting out calls, posting data, having individuals post what's taking place while it's actually happening. What Macron was worried about was the data scraping that actually was inflaming the situation as people used it for their own agenda, regardless if they were getting paid or making money off it which the vast majority of well known accounts probably were and lesser know not. You are behind the curve ball. I highly suspect the Microsoft AI is already interviewing with the google browser using API attacks. I can switch browsers and have no problem once I do, which I rarely do because why let them win. It's a headache none the less.

One other point of contention, you don't need a credit card, a debit card works just as well you or they just run it as a credit instead of as a debit. You just fill in the debit card numbers and wella you're off and running.

I really do try and stay out of the fray of the shit that goes on here but I surely couldn't help myself this time, I am still laughing. Bad actors....hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahha, I'll probably wake up laughing.


It's not really a great post and it sucks beyond any scope of reality.

I think you're being a little harsh with this sentiment, but that's only my opinion, and we're all entitled to opinions.

You want to talk about bad actors lets start there. If people can monetize their own accounts for their own benefit that works against any new paying on boarders, I mean really why would you want to give your own money away when you can have it to yourself.

That's a good point. Hive is not a perfect system by any means and active measures against bad actors is taken with our "archaic oogabooga downvote system".

There's two sides to the coin on this one, maybe even more than two sides.

edicted: Hive does a fantastic job of this already with the whole upvote/downvote system, even if it is a bit archaic, highly subjective, political, and prone to extreme drama.

This is both agreeable and disagreeable in my mind, for a lot of reasons, but mostly agreeable because the extreme drama's are a constant over this topic.

To say censorship does not exist on Hive would be a false narrative in my opinion, because downvotes serve as a censorship mechanism on Hive, but also a way to address "bad actors" monetizing their account(s) in the manner you've outlined.

So is it good or bad, or does it provide a balance to a system that is a digital transposition of capitalism, in which there will always be differences of opinion due to the nature of what can happen with corruption in a capitalistic system. It's hard to get around these ideologies on Hive with such heavy polarization of opinions.

You are behind the curve ball.

Correct, I'm behind with these politics, probably because I do things in life that I find more meaningful, but I still find these things important for the future and do my best to catch up here and there. Thank you for providing me with some information that I need to take a look at.

I really do try and stay out of the fray of the shit that goes on here but I surely couldn't help myself this time, I am still laughing. Bad actors....hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahha, I'll probably wake up laughing.

Talk about bad acting... a quick look at your comments suggests you very much like to stay in the fray of shit.

For some reason these hahaha's sound like heeehaaw's in my mind.

I hope you get your hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahha-heeehaaw's from my comment when you wake up ;D


I mean really why would you want to give your own money away when you can have it to yourself.

I find this quote particularly funny considering over half of the world lives paycheck to paycheck. If a user can trade 5 cents worth of resource credits and alchemy that into $5 obviously that's exactly what they're going to do. The argument that it won't work because "people don't like to pay for things that should be free" is nonsensical. They aren't paying anything they're hugely in the green after everything is said and done.


I'm one of those "paycheck to paycheck" guys who gets a little assistance, just enough to starve for time spent in the military.
Hive helped me not starve a couple of times and I kind of feel like I have more to offer the world than flipping burgers so I keep trying to find other ways and not just sit on my ass watching reality shows and such like so many people in this sad world, but hey... everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if they make little to no sense. I'm probably super deviating from the topic at hand, idk..

I like that ISP comparison in the other comment.

I'm waiting for more heehaaw's from a person who claims to "try to stay out of the fray of the shit"...

This is getting interesting.

Do we still have popcorn bots around here?

I have some Jiffy POP otherwise. I assert that this is the best popcorn ever made.

It takes a little work to make, not exactly microwave friendly.
Some people don't like putting in any kind of work at all, but it's definitely worth it with Jiffy POP.


Maybe it's that integrity, honesty and hard work has never proven profitable. I know as a guy that is really hard for your comprehension in how the real world works verses standing up to your values.


I know as a guy that is really hard for your comprehension in how the real world works verses standing up to your values.

Could you word this a little differently, because I am having difficulty comprehending exactly what it is you mean by this statement. I'm not sure if that's any indicator of my comprehension skills or not. It could be due to a poor ability in communication on your part.


Let's just say that if you were gay in this man's world you opportunities to take the easy road to success just increased exponentially.


"When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

When's the last time you got a good dick down, since you wanna take to this offensiveness....Maybe that's the problem here.. A woman who needs some dick, slandering a man who works hard on this platform to promote good content creators and create good content.

At this point I feel pity for your slanderous words here, I'm not offended, but damn... Some things you just shouldn't say.

You might be feeling the same way about my words now ... right?

I really don't know how the fuck you brought sexist comments into this conversation that was solely based on how the system works here. Unreal , you should seek some sort of counseling in my opinion.


Those who insinuate insults of laziness and people wanting of something for nothing in life gets the response they deserve. I would never sit and assume the things you assumed of people whom you don't even know. I see (seen) that play out here a dozen or more times as an excuse in response to the way the system runs here. It's that or the "good content" excuse.
Please, I see content on here I can barely understand the rattling on of a incoherent post that goes on for paragraphs, worse than anything I could even image writing or been accused/corrected of doing but somehow that person makes twenty, thirty bucks for making my head spin trying to comprehend what the hell they wrote. I click away from it shaking my head thinking that person makes me look like a scholar.

It doesn't do any good to even discuss it because it's always going to come back around to "you don't want to put the work in" regardless if I spent two weeks researching and putting it all together, than they'll just claim it's not good content. Be real with yourselves and get creative with the excuses at the least. It gets old after awhile.

I know the next thing you are going to come at me with is if you are so unhappy here why don't you leave. Because I could just chose to ignore it also, right? Why? Because it's still all the same bull crap that goes on out in the centralized world and that is called "such is life".


I would never sit and assume the things you assumed of people whom you don't even know.

I know the next thing you are going to come at me with

Are you sure you don't make assumptions?

The way you think is intriguing to me, because I actually do agree with some of the things you say, but then other things seem (sorry for the assumption) a little out of touch with reality.

I was having a bad day, but that doesn't excuse the asshole thing that I said.

If there was any truth in what I said, would you admit it?


Are you sure you don't make assumptions?

It's not an assumption if that's generally how it plays out on here. I was talking about making assumptions of a person's personal life like calling them lazy or needing some dick. When you are a woman dick is plentiful if you so desire. Bars are like smorgasbords, you just have to find someone you want to click with for a night so I'd drop that line if I was you...lol.


Bars are like smorgasbords, you just have to find someone you want to click with for a night so I'd drop that line if I was you...lol.

Seems like you're assuming that pussy is not plentiful for me ;D


Okay so I'd drop that "assumption" if I were you. No I wasn't assuming the same of you that you assumed of me.


If we're going to bring it to sexism I could say a few things too... but let's not go there... please....


I am sure it works both sides the aisle, you don't appreciate it either but there is the fact you are still a man and as such aren't as inclined to be subjected to being as easy a target to manipulate, intimidate and push around.


There is some truth in that statement.

I don't usually feel the need to talk about these (what I consider) immature male and female ideologies, because I feel that I have a pretty well rounded perspective on male and female natural roles in this world.

Of course the world we live in operates pretty unnaturally and there is a lot of brainwashing and polarization to keep men and women in victim mindsets.

Plenty of men feel victimized by women ideologies, and plenty of women feel victimized by men ideologies.

It's probably more of an even keeled kind of thing than you would think. This is all by design to keep society polarized.

aren't as inclined to be subjected to being as easy a target

You'd be surprised.
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and because of my trusting nature with others, I've been taken advantage of/manipulated by quite a few nasty ladies in my day..

In other ways, yes it's easier for a man to maintain a certain type of self protectiveness and maybe feel less afraid of other people.

Do you associate with many real life people? If you don't mind me asking?

I ask, because the more time we spend isolated in the virtual world, sometimes the more our thoughts can become distorted regarding reality. (spoken from experience and what I've seen with others.)

Those who insinuate insults of laziness and people wanting of something for nothing in life gets the response they deserve. I would never sit and assume the things you assumed of people whom you don't even know. I see (seen) that play out here a dozen or more times as an excuse in response to the way the system runs here. It's that or the "good content" excuse.

From your other comment, I want to address this since I didn't in my other response.

What you say here has some truth to it. I agree.

I've seen plenty of garbage content getting paid very well, and it doesn't leave a good taste...

Bringing it to the sexes thing.. I've seen some pretty women who get paid real good with just selfie posts lol. Talk about lack of work... getting paid good for looks alone. That's a societal thing too right.. Men like their sexy stuff, sex sells.

Some men get a little bitter about that though, just like a woman might get upset who doesn't have an easy route to make easy money and finds herself having to work harder than "the girl next door".

I'm not sure if what I'm saying will resonate or come as offensive, but it's not intended to.

I personally work hard and try to maintain positive relationships, while barely getting by financially in the real world.

I can recognize polarization issues with both sides of the coin regarding the sexes, so I do not dismiss entirely what you said and how you feel.

I just think for this topic we were on, the sexes thing was not appropriate and you pissed me off.

I apologize for being a jerk about it.


Your question is a catch 22.


At least all of my comments are not full blown contradictions and assumptions as yours are ;D


It's not a catch 22, I wanna know, come on :D


Ten minutes into watching tv and I fall to sleep so I blog.


That's not what I was talking about and you know it....but you are never going to admit that most or the vast majority of comments on Hive are people talking to themselves, upvoting themselves.


Bullshit, go look at my blog. Determine if I'm just talking to myself...


Maybe I'll get around to it in a few days, I'll give you an honest opinion.


corruption in a capitalistic system
There is no difference in this so called decentralization, corrupt to the core. Which brings me to the next point...
Talk about bad acting... a quick look at your comments suggests you very much like to stay in the fray of shit.

Believe me when I say there is a huge difference being in the political fray of things and saying anything about how this place operates. One I may actually earn a penny here or there for, the later you get slapped down by a whale, earn nothing at all and they'll even go in and wipe out any other pennies you've earned on non related post that are still pending payout. If that isn't corruption in itself I don't know what is because no one should have a right to take what you legitimately earned away from you no matter how minute, even in the whole corrupt capitalist system could that ever happen and be gotten away with on a continual basis.


I do agree to an extent.

The problem is, we know there are legitimate ways for people to steal from the reward pool without putting in much effort through automation. I won't touch the topic of circle jerking and other means, because let's just keep some basic principles of thought in place here..

The system which works against the obvious abuses, can also be used to abuse people's hard work and remove rewards. This is akin to bullying in my opinion, especially if the content is not collectively agreed upon to be of the highest offensive material, like rape and things like that, which the collective will agree is not good and no one would really want to monetize such materials unless they are part of the rare individuals who enjoy sick shit.

Ok, so..
What's the solution?

No downvotes?

Hasn't this been tried elsewhere with disastrous results?

The only solution I can think of is a consensus based DV system, where community members would need to partake in a pre-vote to determine if it should be downvoted, and perhaps this could be a monetized thing, partaking.

That's an immediate thought as an idea maker, not a programmer per say.

The system here could be improved.

I think we can agree on that much.


Ain't nobody coming over here to pay to read comments,

By not addressing the main topic I have to assume you don't understand it.
All bandwidth costs money.
Every resource costs money.
The only question is who pays for it.
Someone paid money so that you could read my post.
You paid resources to make this comment.

I find it comically ironic that someone like you would run around talking about how "communism" and "socialism" is fucking stupid and could never work yet you are running around the Internet on other people's dime acting like this is the only way business can be done.

Do you pay your Internet Service Provider $x per month for "infinite" service? Same thing. Enjoy it while it lasts because that's not a viable business model for decentralized architecture.

So tell me, how much did you pay to post this comment?
Is the answer that you have no fucking idea and you don't care?
Hm! Interesting! Please tell me more about how such a model could never work.
Directly on a platform in which it is already working.


I am not so naivete as to believe that something comes for free, the running of the nodes comes out of the rewards pools before distribution of the rewards. They get some percentage, can't recall right off what the amount was. If I remember correctly there was a post a month or so ago about it paying out 14,000 a month, maybe it was a week, who knows but it was a lot. The point is you have to create a demand for a product before you can profit off that product. If there's no demand it's a dud. Twitter was built to create a demand that could profit off advertising revenue, that was Jack's goal and he achieve it and became a billionaire. So why should people whose participation on twitter have to pay for making someone a multi billionaire? Just like why should people have to pay to make whales richer while people struggle to even get a foot hold on here with pennies being pitched at them. Most people don't live in Nigeria you know. This is totally different than a concept built on selling a product to people, yes that product still has to be able to create a demand for it but people know the difference between buying a product vs participating for free to create profit for someone. Totally two different concepts, both hedged by those with the money or those willing to invest the monies to build a product that one either sells or offers free participation that enables them to make money off that participation to enrich themselves. Elon's problems comes from within and the changes necessary to complete the tracking and censorship of over five million tweets a day. In other words he's building a whole new infrastructure that most experts has thus far claimed is impossible. So now the end game has changed and it's not one's free participation to make me billions but Musk charging to build an infrastructure that he will use against those who are freely participating. The goal is to be able to track any tweet anywhere in the world within five minutes. You want to pay for that because he's fooled people into believing it's just a sensible business model...if yes than you really need to get out more.


Just like why should people have to pay to make whales richer while people struggle to even get a foot hold on here with pennies being pitched at them.

Nobody is saying this.
You're making stuff up.
It's a strawman argument.

Why should I have to pay for food?
The grocery store has a ton of food they should just give me some for free.

That's the argument you're making.

Legit communism.
Which is hilarious considering I often make pro-communist arguments.
But I certainly have the wherewithal to understand that you making such arguments is hypocritical at best.

It is not a novel concept to pay people for providing service and infrastructure.
It is the STANDARD.
Providing free service in exchange for data and advertising dollars is in fact the weird business model.
And it's coming to an end whether you like it or not.

the running of the nodes comes out of the rewards pools before distribution of the rewards

Again, that's just flat out wrong for a couple of reasons.
First, on a technical level, the "rewards pool" is only for rewards (authors/curators).

Hive emissions breakdown:

  • Rewards pool (65%)
  • @hive.fund (10%)
  • Witness block reward (10%)
  • HP interest rate (15%)
  • +20% more (totally separated) added on for HBD savings account.

Which frontend are you using?


Literally none of these frontends get paid to fulfill API requests.
Because no one gets paid to run a frontend.
You only get paid if you mint a block, and that is it.
Just like any other cryptocurrecy.
Which creates poor incentives and difficulty scaling.
Which I have already gone into detail extensively,
but you seem to think you know better while completely avoiding the main topics of discussion.

In case you missed it:

How will decentralized infrastructure scale in a decentralized way if it's impossible to provide free service in exchange for advertising dollars (an inherently centralized business model)?

Until you can answer that question nothing you say matters or has any relevance to this topic of discussion.
The problem is you can't answer the question.
The question has already been answered and all you're doing is saying "no that doesn't sound right that won't work I want free stuff blah blah blah greedy whales blah blah".
In reality the thing that isn't working is the current system, which you seem to think works great when in alignment with the current argument being made, but works equally terrible once the narrative changes. Pick a lane. One that doesn't involve getting something for nothing. #sustainability


Stop with the everyone wants free stuff. I never came here because it was free, it was promoted as an ability to earn rewards for your participation. Totally different concept than those who didn't pay anything for you to participate on their sites while they made money off advertising. So what could conceivably be wrong with participating in a site that shared the revenue. It definitely isn't communism.

I admit I have no idea how the whole mechanism works behind the blockchain but I do know this much, you can't run a business if you don't have any way to pay for it. Somehow money is generated and expenses get paid first, that means before rewards are given out.

Talk sustainability....yeah let's just see you go to making me give up my pennies to read your comments and how that will work for you in the long haul. No wonder you like communism because it would amount to working for the man worse than capitalism is.

How will decentralized infrastructure scale in a decentralized way if it's impossible to provide free service in exchange for advertising dollars (an inherently centralized business model)?

It can't outside the model ran here where everyone shares in the pot left over.


This is an interesting topic on so many levels.

Do you ever wonder what democracy is all about? I don't know what country you reside in, but in the US we're led to believe that society is democratic.

Democracy doesn't exactly fit in with the the constitutional republic.

Did you know there is nothing to really regulate the printing of USD?

That people are working for the bottom tier crumbs of an inflationary debt note?

With this in mind, it starts to seem like government is not a for the people by the people kind of thing. I wonder what that amounts to?

Don't you think it would be somewhat sad if people are led to believe they are free but are actually hopelessly enslaved because of their ignorance, which is helped along further by the indoctrination system we call "school."

It will probably become more apparent when social credit system get's forced onto the people, but the masses still won't know what's happening, because sadly they've been conditioned to look the other way and digest what's easiest for their day to day enslavements.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of this content. None of such on the whole internet.




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I know we kinda are hitting it already on web 2 but I can't wait until the phase where it's full infinitely loop blur. AI, pulling data from AI, until nothing makes sense.
