Tempting Fate



Are we doing everything we can to create a better future?

I mean I'm certainly not, but then again what does that even mean? Nobody can give 100% of their effort all the time. At a certain point burnout will occur. In fact we have a categorized mental illness for those who try to accomplish such feats. It's called being a workaholic. In fact most billionaires are workaholics and tend to expect everyone around them to maintain that same type of disfunction.

Work work work work work work

Just like anything else, working too much can be an addiction. If it interferes with critical parts of our life it becomes a problem. It's no secret that many struggle with a healthy balance of family and work life. Of course it doesn't help much that the 40 hour work week has been in affect since 1940. You'd of thought that the amount of hours we needed to work over the last 84 years would have decreased due to technology, but now most middle class families often have to work twice as much as they did back then (both parents with a full time job). Aint that a bitch?

Taking unnecessary risks?

We've all done it for one reason or another. I have $10k sitting on a centralized crypto exchange. LoL? Why would I do that? Shouldn't I know better? Ah well I assure you all that I do, but perhaps I need to learn the hard lesson before I start taking the proper precautions.

Today I watched a movie and when I came back to my computer my DMs were blowing up. I've got a few IRL friends into crypto who were freaking out about the light pump above $45k BTC. Is this the signal we've all been waiting for? Does an ETF gold candle happen soon™? That's certainly what we'd all like to know but of course nobody has the answer.

Honestly though does it really matter? I mean... it so doesn't. Everything happening now is complete and utter noise. We'd be better off just disappearing off the face of the Earth and coming back 2-years later. Ah, if only that was an option. Reminds me of those stories were people woke up from a coma and realized their crypto went x1000 or whatever. Were those stories even real? Does it matter?

Playing it safe?

Should we always be striving to play it safe? Or are there legitimate reasons to increase risk and go for broke? Certainly it all depends on the circumstances. Some will increase their risk just to feel the thrill of taking that risk. Just ask anyone that does extreme sports.

Sometimes life itself forces us to take more risks. Mother nature can be unforgiving like that. Even the systems we've created can trap us into a bad situation. Would you steal bread to feed your family? Stealing is wrong. Letting your family starve is also wrong. So which one are we going to pick? This is a classic philosophy question. Between a rock and a hard place.


Does fate even exist? Do we control our own destinies with our actions or are the paths we tread predetermined? Is this all just a simulation? If it was all just a simulation, isn't the entire point of a simulation to see what happens? Perhaps the future is not set in stone after all. Do we have free will, or are we all just biological robots running around and responding to external stimulus? Perhaps it's a bit of both. Who knows?


It's pretty wild to read this post after having a relatively unproductive day stuck in thought loops. Thought loops which mirror the exact thoughts and questions you've raised in this post actually. It wasn't completely unproductive, but overall I was stricken with future oriented and reality based caffeinated cognitions.

Risk is unavoidable in the reality we live in, and there's certainly subjective based moralities ascribed to some of (or all of?) the risks.

Does fate even exist? Do we control our own destinies with our actions or are the paths we tread predetermined? Is this all just a simulation?

If fate doesn't exist and this is a random chaotic chance based simulation then some value could come from caring less. I'll give a working example here:

I live in a shared living space where I'm constantly picking up other peoples trash and dealing with insane levels of poor treatment and ridiculous accusations for things I didn't do, instead of thank you for going above and beyond to try to make it a livable environment for us all from the people who behave this way. Jealously, envy, hatred, deception, have even endured extreme violence in the form of a brutal attack months ago and my head hurts where I got pistol whipped as I type this. In fact the more good I do, the more they seem to hate me, and sometimes I can hardly take it anymore and spaz out on people because it just won't stop no matter what positive influence I add to the mix. I'm stuck here financially and there's no other option than to just deal with it.

We certainly have free will, I think... because some days I really struggle to not go Rambo on these SOB's, but I make that choice not to... Could be we only think that we have free will of choice and free will of thought.

Some days are great no matter what, and others suck no matter what. Life is certainly uncertain, that much seems certain.


Sorry to hear about the poor circumstances you find yourself in. I have always found that when faced with such alternatives, I have preferred to simply live innawoods. Regardless of economic productivity being negatively impacted by it, the peace and tranquility I experience innawoods is worth what it may cost me financially.


Thank you for your kind words @valued-customer.

At the current juncture I have found that I am in a favourable position to fight back with the pen, and I am actively doing so. It will take some time, but the end result is being able to live in the woods and not lose my livelihood, so long as I survive the random chaos that ensues at times. I am confident that I will considering I have made it this far.

Hope all has been well with you my friend.


I do not agree with the words on the picture at all. But, i can see how many would get to that position.

Destiny is what you create for yourself
Fate is when you fail to create your own destiny.

There are many destinations that YOU created before you started this life.
And, given that you really do not try to change your life (You knows you, so you will probably follow the plan) you will end up at those destinations. Meeting a lover, having children. For some people certain jobs. Meeting a life long friend. These are often set up before hand… by YOU.

Then you have your life lessons. You have chosen what you will work on, and these are often mirrored in your karma. And so you will run across these over and over until you get it, and break out of the loop.

Some people have to learn the lesson, and others do not.
Some people can leave 10k on the exchange and never have a problem
Others are hacked, scammed, and cleaned out.

It isn't really about what you did, it is about the Karma, the life lesson, the energy match you are drawing to you.

Play it too safe, and you do not live. Too loose, and you become splatted.
A strange balance to be sure. Some very stiff people need to learn to loosen up… but i suggest slowly. Some wild and reckless people need to learn to manage their risks. (not clamp down on doing anything dangerous)

These things are all connected.


Perhaps it is a bit of both. We came from different backgrounds, so we are wired differently, but we most times give the same response to the same happening.

Workaholic as many call it, but I seem to find it more fun calling it work-alcoholic because it's better and fits me, lol.

....and I found this fun.

We'd be better off just disappearing off the face of the Earth and coming back 2-years later.

If only these existed. Haha.

Happy New Year.


"...I found this fun."

I have settled on work I like, for people I like, where and when I like, and it turns out I like working. Who'd a thunk it?


Thanks for posting! I haven't seen your posts in a bit. I figured you were taking some time off for Christmas and what not, but I was afraid I didn't know how to use the new InLeo navigation.


This is a profound and thought-provoking topic, particularly about the balance (or lack thereof) between work and life, and the choices we make in navigating our complex world.

I resonate with the work-work epidemic on the modern work ethic and the seemingly endless grind that's become a norm. It's ironic that despite technological advancements, we find ourselves working harder than ever, with less time for what truly matters. This imbalance, as you rightly pointed out, is not sustainable and often leads to burnout. It's a systemic issue that needs reevaluation at the societal level.

Regarding taking risks, it's a fascinating reflection of human psychology. We often know the safer paths but are drawn to the thrill and potential of the risky ones. It's a reminder that our decisions are not always based on logic but are influenced by a complex mix of emotions, circumstances, and sometimes, the sheer excitement of the unknown.


We can’t be perfect but we just have to keep pushing
Also, gate exists but I’m someone who believes that it can be changed with prayer and consistency


I decided several years ago that I needed to start taking a break from the blockchain on the weekends. It was taking over my life and becoming a second full time job. I was on the verge of burning out on Hive like you say. It's hard to believe, but cutting back on those two days each week made a huge difference. Now, I have a good enough balance that I can write a couple comments on the weekend and not have it be detrimental to me.


I'd like to answer your question. The answer is yes.



the quadrillema:
it is. it is not. it both is and is not: it neither is nor is not.
this helpsto remind me that I know nothing at all (except for everything....and both....and neither)


Known knowns, known unknowns, and the terrible unknown unknowns.
